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О ZeroLimit

  • День рождения 02/09/1990

ZeroLimit's Achievements

  1. 1.There is a loop macro feature. 2.Who cares about bots these days?
  2. https://la2dream.com ГРАНДИОЗНОЕ ОТКРЫТИЕ 28 АПРЕЛЯ!

  3. ZeroLimit

    WTB kookabura 50lvl+

    Leave pm with price.
  4. ZeroLimit

    How i use offline trade scroll?

    My comment has been updated, it was confusing. I want to log in character not log off :)
  5. ZeroLimit

    How i use offline trade scroll?

    Scroll is available from Donation NPC > Supplies.
  6. ZeroLimit

    How i use offline trade scroll?

    [uSER=1536]@LEX[/uSER] I have another question. I wanted to log in character, where I used offline shop - just to update shop and reuse offline shop again. I cannot login this character. It shows "Account already in use. Unable to login" or something like that. Is it a bug or feature? :)
  7. ZeroLimit

    New Interlude Final X7 - April 20, 2018!

    Is there any other link to download a client? Original one doesn't work at all..
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