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О Reeve

  • День рождения 06/28/1991

Reeve's Achievements

  1. Reeve

    Suggestion: Element Enchanting weapons

    Please no... If you have element on weapons then you 'll have to put element on armors as well and implement the whole element system which sounds cool from the rpg perspective but it is just a bad type of grind for stones and throw of adena at the bots that will farm these stones and sell them so I 'm not sure if it would be worth it to implement element system, I think I 'm against it for the most part.
  2. Reeve

    Dwarf Skills --> sugestions

    The moment I saw the changes in other classes I also thought that it 'd be cool for the dwarves to get dagger mastery and one or two skills for it. Also summoners could see some love as well I was thinking to make such a topic for the summoner class as well, gl on the dwarves :D
  3. Reeve

    Advice on a buffer for WK

    Greetings adventurers. I just started l2 again on this server after quite a few years of absence from the game and went with a WK char cause cats kawai :p. That being said I 'd also like to have a buffer xp alongside my WK but I cannot decide which will be the most helpful for a Warlock. I am between SE and WC (or something else?) but not sure with which one I should go. Any opinions, sugestions with this will be greatly appreciated, thanks. P.S - I will be leveling only one buff character. (Also not sure if this is the right section to post this if it's not please direct me to the right one, I 'm still new around here :p)
  4. Reeve

    login down?

    Yeah it should be down I have the same issue and made a post a few minutes ago but since my account is not approved or something the post was not shown and needs aproval not sure I just joined yesterday.. but yeah log in server should be down :(
  5. Reeve

    Log in server issue?

    Apologies if I 'm ringing a false alarm here :p but it seems that I can't log in the server it just stays at the small window saying plase wait while loging... Does anyone else have this issue? I 'm posting mostly to see if others have come across this one and to check if it is a server issue, maybe due to many loged in accounts or an issue on my end. Thanks for any info.
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