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Изменения репутации

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    Reeve изменил репутацию Papanda в Dwarf Skills --> sugestions   
    Hello guys!
    Regarding the changes.
    I can make some kind of spoiler of the classes that will have different changes:
    And now... Beware: SPOILER!

    To tell you the truth - the new patch is going to be announced soon and dwarfs going to have useful buffs and changes ;)
    Stay tuned! ;)
  2. Like
    Reeve изменил репутацию MofO в Dwarf Skills --> sugestions   
    Hi .. i was wandering why no H5 skills on dwarf since almost every class had beed buffed (ee,se,bish can transform, tanks can change stance) dwarfs are boring classes so i suggest implementing some skills .. it would make the game more fun :
    -Dagger Mastery
    -Potential Ability (When equipped with a dagger or a dual dagger, increases Critical Rate by 30% and Critical Damage by 295. Requires a light armor to be equipped. )
    Crushing Strike
    It would make the game more playeble for dwarfs and .... think about it :P
  3. Like
    Reeve изменил репутацию Alyx в login down?   
    Can't log in, stuck on this message: "You are currently logging in. Please wait a moment".
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