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О Tsie

  • День рождения 09/01/1992

Tsie's Achievements

  1. Hello Beauty, why dont you inform the support that you own the bots called Katheryn, GoldenHands, MerchantOfMammon, Puzzle, Beauty and SSCandBSSC? In a magical way your bots own the best market positions in Giran (all the corners etc.). So let me describe how you claimed those positions. I am Kwlomparas as you understand. You are using 2 bots Beauty and SSCandBSSC waiting patiently for a shop to stand up and instantly you steal the position and then you bring your bot to place your shop there, exactly like Regulator said. Dumpis can also confirm that because we had a talk about you. First of all I said you before some hours that you already took all corner shops this way and I asked you very polite if you can take away your bot (selling a Leather for 5kk) so I can place my shop too. Your reply was "No go somewhere else, I am just having fun" and something like "I took positions the classic fair way". I dont know how exactly you call this fair, classic or not but anyway. The support can confirm the IP of your bots, but I also attach some pictures(Here!) where we can clearly see you selling a EAD for 5kk oups!
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