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О Sundawar

  • День рождения 08/28/1981

Sundawar's Achievements

  1. Sundawar

    Wich class should I choose?

    Thank you... ill do an archer in order not to worry about mp... :)
  2. Hi im new to the server, and before I stat id like to know, according to your experience by far, wich class would be better in the server to play... I know this is no ordinary Interlude, that's why i ask... I'd Like Mage or Archer but I'd like to know your opinion first! Thank you all in advance!
  3. Sundawar


    Hola! no se si seguis buscando gente, si por casualidad es asi, decidme a quien habria que mandar pm y que requerimientos tendriais para poder entrar! Un saludo
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