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О Foxosaur1

  • День рождения 08/21/1981

Foxosaur1's Achievements

  1. Foxosaur1

    Talking island starter place?

    Thank you :) I have already taken the TI boat to Gludin for first time in MANY years :D so happy
  2. Foxosaur1

    LF English clan

    Old player from C1-C3 and Interlude, looking for fun and castle siege etc :D
  3. Foxosaur1

    LF English speaking clan

    Looking for English speaking clan. I am UK player looking for old lineage 2 fun :)
  4. Hi... this is my first private server I have joined. I use to love L2 back in Chronicles and specifically Interlude :) and that is why I am here. I created character today and he started in Giran (Human Mystic)? Is that normal? Can I start at TI like in old game on 3rd august ? Thanks for reading
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