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London1's Achievements

  1. London1

    Pk count

    I know that xp is x25 and I play most of the time on this rate, but never seen person with much karma decrease it like that.Also in x25 servers drops are bigger than here, so I guess you customized it.
  2. London1

    Pk count

    Well, I let a guy pk me more than 10 time and went back in vos but always no karma than last time i let him kill me and in 3 mobs he was out of karma, also the overbuff messes up, we should have block buff, also donators have more buffs and it debalances, did u make the server only for donators?Just curious cause than it's useless for normall ppl to stay and idk if the donators are happy to play only with a few ppl.
  3. London1

    Pk count

    Why is karma going off so fast?at about 20pk in 2 mobs get off karma?why?
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