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White Mage

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  1. White Mage

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    @allhby @Spamalot all this people talking about destroyers certainly did not read the changelogs section of interlude final updates. destroyer is working like that because it was designed to work like that, here. and I personally find it a good change thats give back to Warlord its reason of being. it is not possible by design, to hit more than 4 mobs with polearm when guts, frenzy or zealot is active. in this server. [MEDIA=googlesheets]gid=807317383;id=1QSm7n1HirzBqKJLWoOZYOmOz4VsH18UsC9V0wKI7e28[/MEDIA]
  2. White Mage

    Game Launcher won't run

    Your connection is being blocked. Check antivirus and add all executables inside launcher folder as exceptions, add the whole folder as an exception if possible. Check windows defender - do the same. Check firewall - make sure that there is no outbound or inbound rules restraining the launcher connection . If it does not work, report back for i have some other ideas.
  3. Hello there, i'd like to propose a new service: most players at some point wish they could change something in the appearance of their characters, you guys could make this service a premium thing like the battle pass. I for instance would like to change the sex or at least the hair of my character, is this possible to be implemented in a NPC ? maybe in the accesories npc you guys customized for the battle pass
  4. White Mage

    Sieges dates

    if your suggestion was applied the people who got one castle this week, could put who they wanted in the throne of some other castle the next week because they wouldnt need to defend their own castle, sieges would be much bigger. doing this would make the big alliances even more powerful, basically they could run all the castles.
  5. White Mage

    Main class chage

    There is no such service avaiable. But, well, one tends to think that if you had lots of money, you might just have aswell the power to bend what is avaiable. Anyway, why would you want to change your main class ? just make a subclass, it's interlude.
  6. White Mage

    Interlude knowladge database

    Classic databases are somewhat accurate. l2wiki.com/classic/ But the changes are extensive, you can find them all here: [spoiler=What changed ?]https://l2e-global.com/forum/forums/interlude-final.568/ There is no site which concentrates all information in the way you asked, being our client something unique as it is, we will have to do it ourselves.
  7. White Mage

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    I would like to report another problem I found, my character Deus, a human wizard, did not receive his family helmet from the newbie guide, he instead received the armors at lv.15. this happened three days ago i guess, maybe four. there were just three rewards, one for lv.10 lv.12 and lv.15 no other option was avaiable on the screen. pardon me if it has already been corrected.
  8. White Mage

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    I've found out what happened, it is a bug, but I still don't understand why it happened only to me. [spoiler=Detailed Description of the Bug (and the way around it)]Warsmith class change - "Test of the Maestro"
  9. unfortunately, someone who is active in the forum probably know this. the most vulnerable players are those who are not here...
  10. I believe someone might need this even if this is a really rare bug. I found out how to finnish the quest "test of the maestro" which was stuck for my character in the stage in which you should return to elder Filaur @ Dwarven Village, to receive his letter of recomendation in exchange for the item "Report of Cruma". I left filaur's task as the last one, so it was particularly frustrating. The problem the quest wouldnt show up Filaur's quest list box, making the delivery of Report of Cruma impossible. So, how did i managed to deliver it ? I realized something odd in my inventory, some quest items from earlier stages of "test of the maestro" quest were not deleted after i fininshed those stages, some items that were supposed to vanish after completing the task and talking to researcher lorain in cruma. That was the thing which caused Filaur to "understand" the quest as still underway, and not completed. The item Architecture of Cruma was still in my inventory even after talking to Researcher Lorain in the first stage of the quest, an item he should have took. not only that, but I also realized that he didn't take back another item i forgot the name. heres an edited print screen: After the destruction of all quest items with the tag [One-time] Test of the Maestro EXCEPT Report of Cruma, one should be able to talk fo Filaur again. please be careful when destroying quest items not to accidentally destroy one of the marks which will be needed to change your class. See you around, gentlemen.
  11. White Mage

    [HELP] About the quest Test of the Maestro

    @SLKware , you may close the thread, I found the problem and it was not Filaur, it was another npc who didnt take the quest item off my inventory when i finished it. this item disabled filaur dialog about "test of the maestro" quest I'll be writing a tutorial of how to make filaur talk to the player in the next hours.
  12. White Mage

    [HELP] About the quest Test of the Maestro

    Hello SLKware, good day. Thank you, it is alright, don't worry... I understand that some bugs may be quite tricky to solve, do you think it would be possible for you guys to promote my character to warsmith considering the quest might be unavaiable for some time ? all quest items are in my inventory, from lv 35 quest, lv 37, and all avaiable ones from lv 39. character name is Deusa thank you again and I hope we can solve this soon, have a good day.
  13. White Mage

    [HELP] About the quest Test of the Maestro

    seriously, this is ridiculous. this bug delayed the PL of my entire party of supporters for one day already. couldnt level my warcryer, my bishop, and my spoiler because the artisan is stuck in this quest.
  14. White Mage

    [HELP] About the quest Test of the Maestro

    should I just stop playing then ? such celerity in solving small problems is inspiring
  15. I don't know precisely what is happening, for i'm sure there are many maestros out there who did this quest, otherwise there'd be a post about this already, so ... NPC 'Filaur' located in the elder council of dwarven village wont talk to my artisan, making the completion of the class change quest impossible. The specific part in which he wont talk to the player is when you come to deliver the 'Cruma Report' you get from the researcher in Cruma Tower surroundings. and well, he won't even talk to us about the quest. when you click the quest dialog, the quest "test of the maestro" wont even show up. I'd like to know if the community found some way around it, or if it is specific to my character, or yet if simply all maestros paid for the job change and i'm the first one who did it and found this bug. i've restarted the game, the client, checked files in the launcher, reinstalled the game itself. there's no reason i have to believe the problem is in my files.
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