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Mythrael's Achievements

  1. Mythrael

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Is there a way to do not have persistent lag on my main box, even trying to login with all different proxy servers? If I have 3 boxes, on main box I often have 5-30 seconds latency, so it's completely unplayable. No latency on other boxes (where I have my supports). Am I doing something wrong or there is a problem somewhere? And I can I solve this? Otherwhise I can not play. Ty again. Please create a ticket to the technical support in order to find out the reason of your lags. https://l2e-global.com/cabinet/support
  2. Mythrael

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    I really don't know if it is only my issue, but I can not see the animation of succeful stun. I mean that sort of little stars over the head of my target and it is happening when I stun a mob / character and even when I got stunned. Already tried to fix client, obviously without solving it. Ty for attention. It should be fixed today (on mobs) https://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/if-x7-restarts-fixes-and-additions.191971/post-2534001
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