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Oenara's Achievements

  1. Oenara

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Hello guys, another bug came out. I was on PK and i dropped the Improve Kookaboora Ocarina - which I bought with coins and I leveled it up. Is it possible to drop it, or it was a bug? My friend have this item, but he cannot give it back or drop it via PK as I did. Can u help with this one? It is possible to drop a pet while you are PK.
  2. Oenara

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Hello, I found a bug about the Augumentation Skill in my Dasparion. First of all, description of augument skill saying it is a life drain, but in skills it is apear as an unlock skill. Secondary the "Unlock" skill should open the chests under 64 lvl with 90%, but 10 of 10 chest just explode (i put 2 as an example on the video). Hopefully you will be able to check it out.
  3. Oenara

    LF International clan

    It is not a cp, it's just a group of friends:D.
  4. Oenara

    LF International clan

    A group of friends looking for an International clan: Necro 63 - with Dasparion Paladin 63 - with Doom Heavy BD 62 - with partly made Tallum Heavy Bishop 61 - full C We are looking for a clan with a nice atmosphere, but also the clan for sieges and a lot of wars - cuz wars mean fun.
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