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ayo's Achievements

  1. ayo

    how can i make adena in the server?

    do the daily quests (farm, laba and kama), purchase EWC, sell them.
  2. When I purchased the Valakas Circlet, it said that drop and exchange was not available, however it didn't say anything about private store or warehouse like other hats. However, I can't either put in on sell nor send it through mail nor give it to another character in the same account using the warehouse freightman.
  3. Lately, the laba/kama parties I have joined, the drops have not reached the ground, meaning that some people had aghation. In every case, all the drop was distributed between 2 guys, so that made me wonder: when someone in the party has the aghation, can any other member of the party get a drop? It was maybe a coincidence, but given it has been reproduced some times (3-4), I just want to be sure.
  4. ayo

    Tanks balance

    probably you are either TK or Paladin, which are two classes I'm not very familiar with. But definitively, DA and SK are not unbalanced at all here, specially the DA with the cancel panther. I think there are other classes more unbalanced than the tanks. A quick one that I just come up with: summoners consuming crystals.
  5. In Dex's forum someone started a topic that I think it's really worth to mention here, as support here seems to be faster than there. Lately, some people have earned aghation auxiliary stones, even some of them are selling them at Giran. These items drastically increase the enchant rate between +4 and +9, so... where are they coming from? Because AFAIK, you can only get them through the Dimensional Merchant, which is a NPC of the latest chronicles.
  6. ayo

    Game balance - is it even close to Interlude?

    Daggers are a quite strong class here, if not the strongest. That's why mages have arcane shield. I don't own one, but it looks like lethal lands quite often. I've been one-shot by a backstab on my tank a few times. Archers have counters and AoEs yes, but their damage is also reduced if not at full distance.
  7. ayo

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Are you sure about that? First time I ever read so. It might be true though, just I haven't ever noticed in the past 10 years playing L2 xD
  8. ayo

    Whitelist systemmsg file?

    Is it possible to whitelist the system messages files so that I can customize it and it doesn't get overwrite by the updater?
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