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Xer's Achievements

  1. Xer

    Tanks balance

    hello targeter, i don't know what you mean with that, because have u ever seen tanks tanking raids or going oly in vanguard?? o.O i tried to write something constructive, if you need only to write those things, without explaining or giving more/different points of view, well, u already know what you might do ^^
  2. Xer

    delete posts doesen't helps ^^

    my bad, for some reason i coulden't see my previous post anymore and i thought someone deleted it, cheers
  3. Xer

    Tanks balance

    Hello everyone first of all gratz to the admins for the server management and customization, i believe that me, like lots of people were waiting for THIS kind of server , the features are awesome and the balance verge on almost perfection! I don't know if this topic was already mentioned because the most threads are written in russian, and i don't know it , so i apologize by now if i am redundant! said so, i wanted to bring to the attention of GMs something that really would help tanks to be interactives parts of partys, groups and raid activity , just a little thing, wich could change tanks role from a simple aggression meatshield tool to a more dynamic figure, i wanted to ask if it was possible to enhance tribunal/judgment like the latest ones, wich decrese short range weapon resistance and may crit ^^ if you think about it , without chance haste , the only way to pvp for tanks is to use autoattacks to deal the most part of their damages, so if u can enhance tribunal/jugdment, it would be really awesome and u can give a chance to be usefull both in pve groups and pvp/oly ^^ thanks for your time, keep granting this high quality service, great job!
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