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Wiesior's Achievements

  1. Wiesior

    Game balance - is it even close to Interlude?

    What? Mages should be always one shotted by daggers! That is not the excuse for give them AS as well as other buffs like VC and ability to use Arcane set with bonus to cas spd. It also have very negativie effect on all other classes. Because it put mages on best classes in game without anything that could balance them. What about Desto, Tyrant, Glad and WL? In true IL mages was always top classes in early and mid game. Just at very end game this posiotion is takken by archers with DB + focus and AQ. But even in this case maxed SPS with Wild Magic agument and Valakas Necklace outclasse it because of nearly 100% crit rate. And only thing that balance it is very weal p def because of forced to use a grade set (Dark Crystal) and no stupid things like Arcane Shield. Fact you got one shotted by dagger as Tank means another thing is broken here. What exactly? Hard to say but it should not happen. And this penalty is excuse use to boost already OP classes? Nevermind, I just understood the is waste of time...
  2. Wiesior


    This is not IL settings but chronicles after GOD and classic. IL never was f**** cc fest!
  3. Wiesior


    It does not change fact WL in IL should resist most CC. Other outcome means server have something broken in settings.
  4. Wiesior


    It seems like GoD/classic mechanics where CC have nearly 95% base success rate and can be effected only by lvl difference, buffs and items. But not even stats like MEN or CON helps. If this is the case the class balance is completly broken on this server.
  5. Wiesior

    Game balance - is it even close to Interlude?

    Thx for answers. There is a lot of informations. It cleared few of my concerns. But added even more. Interlude always was chronicle of mages and archers. But this what I see here... I can not belive it. - hard nerf the destro, only melee class that is powerfull in IL - Arcana set with 10% cast spd, Vortex Crusher, Arcane Shield... - Counter Shot skills and AoE for archers ...
  6. As I see the server is not Interlude. That is just modified Classic or something after GoD. And this alone change alot. First is enchant system. It seems it use new bonuses. Do the game have IS items that balance DMG bosts by boosting characters HP? Because this enchant system allow to get overenchanted DB with base 1k p atk and that is insane! Other thing are statistics. - CC resists are not debend by stats? Stun have 95% base and is depend only by LVL difference and items bonuses? - DEX does not affect on speed and shield block rate? - As I noticed, evasion simply does not work. What about skills? There is only fragmentary information about changes, but there is not list of skills in game, same as no description to it. If the game use classical mechanics then the blows simply does not landing. Is even point to play here as dagger?
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