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BeyondEdge's Achievements

  1. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    1. This is what we talking about from first post, read again my post and again if you still dont understand, read it for as long as you understand what is being written to you. 2. umbrage, offense. 3. Again you write same thing like me in post before. We know they do not do it in volunteering, but our duty is not to maintain what we do not like, we are consumer and they are sellers, they should focus to let us stay on server not the other way, they have enough options to earn money.. but selling something what should be available and free for everyone and its primary part of game, is it's just a rip-off and extortion from players. As i said, I will not argue with you anymore, its waste of time maybe if you have something wise to write, I will be happy to answer.
  2. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    As i said its not about money, i think i earn more money than your parents together, but i think globally not only about my own ass. What is point when i will buy whole of donation shop if i dont have someone to fight? I will dominate half buffed newbies? who will leave game when they will see they are down after 2-3 hits? maybe in 2 weeks there will be no one to fight and we will be playing with self. You know why people play on server like this? because they are lazy, they dont want to waste much time on leveling and farming that is reason why they looking for high rate pvp server like this instead of playing on official servers, and you asking them to make another 7 characters(WC,PP,EE,SE,OL,BD,SWS) for something who should be available for everyone? I will not argue with you guys anymore, its waste of time, like someone said: "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.". I trying to help, make server great and friendly for new players, not only server will not get new players but you guys will also deter them as soon as they see what they have to pay for. I only have hope that in the future we will not pay for the amount of additional steps or clicks, if we already pay for primary mechanics in 15 years old game :)
  3. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    So if they are High needed, should be available for everyone not the only ones who spend money.. What will be next? Donators will have buffs but f2p will fight w/o them? Players can farm items and live w/o premium and cosmetics but buffs are primary part of game and they MUST BE for everyone. Hope admins will think about that before server start and give players what they need, no one want to fail server like that at start. This server is focused on Mass PvP and for mass pvp they need a many of players but none of them will stay on server if they dont even have property buffs.. As i said there is: -Premium Accounts, -Averia Club Cards, -Many cosmetics with +Stat's, and Cloaks -Adena and Items from Donation, -enchants from donations, -Talismans and epic from donations -Runes and much more.. Its really enough P2W>F2P and there is no need to make that sh1t called "Premium buffs" who should be for everyone, they are primary part of game... and I do not think that the server will be poor without these buffs for money, donators will have still many many options to get much more Advantage. NO for PREMIUM BUFFS and selling game in parts..
  4. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

  5. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    So why there is NPC buffer and its available for everyone? its should be also only available for players who paid for it and free2play players who dont want to spend money should exp every buffer WC,PP,EE,OL,SE from 1 to 80 lvl, even its is High Rate PvP server set on End Game and adversings like that everywhere. its your stupid logic.. As i said, its not about money, but rudeness in force players to spend money for something whats is primary part of game and should be available for everyone.
  6. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    Its not about money, that premium can cost 0,10$ and its still be forcefully taken money from players.. They just take part of game and sell it for money. In thier adversings they said about full buff and pvp server but there is no "full" buff if there are even buffs are sold separately, that is the point. Its seems like EA strategy they sold games but before they even start to sell game they announce DLC and take second time money from players for the same game.. In Donate shops there should be items that make easier gameplay for you and i agree with that, but selling a part of game who should be avaible for everyone its pathetic tactic to take more money from players..
  7. BeyondEdge

    Premium Buffs

    Its a terrible joke? -There is a premium accounts -Items for real money -Adena for real money -Epic & Enchants from donation and other items who give greatly advantage. I think its really enough of P2W. So why you take buffs from us. I understand there was always P2W in games where paid users should have advantage cuz they maintain the server but these buffs is too much, you just literally take a part of game from us and asking for money for that.. I hope that the money will not dazzle you, and you will restore the player with their "property". Some of ppl will quit of that server when they will see there they need to pay even for buffs who is part of game.
  8. BeyondEdge

    Remove Cancel skills

    Hello, on server like this there shouldn't be "cancel" buffs skills, there is all time mass pvp and even after victory one of side they cant destory camp cuz after fight they are w/o buffs.. There is no point in fights when enemys can back after 5 seconds to defend his camp, when oppressor side always need back to thier camp for buffs. Its make enemys camp/base impossible to capture.
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