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Bicycle's Achievements

  1. Bicycle


    Hello we are an International clan that is looking for some experienced/active members to widen our team base. Clan Info: Level 8!! English speaking exclusively!! So at the moment we are looking for players that can speak English (so we can communicate thoroughly),activity at least 4 hours a day (Progress alone+ some time)and some experience with the game itself would be a pro,also the minimum level is 70. Also for academy we are always seeking out new members and of course will be getting a reward as well when they graduate. We are NOT another clan that will close down as the time pass so you can be assured that we wont die out anytime soon,as the server grows we will grow also. If you are interested and/or tired of being in clans that's not speaking your language and therefore not having fun either private here or IG " Elrond/Ella. At the moment the classes Priority goes something like this Doomcryer/Cardi/Sws/BD/Nukers(Any decent geared mage) Have fun and see you IN GAME !!! <3
  2. Bicycle

    LF Clan

  3. Bicycle

    LF Clan

  4. Bicycle

    LF Clan

  5. Bicycle

    LF Clan

  6. Bicycle

    LF Clan

  7. Bicycle

    LF Clan

    Hello I am currently looking for a clan to settle in,make some friends and clear content together,i am an experienced Lineage 2 player(c2+)which can communicate via mumble,ts3,discord on regular basis,fluent in English. Activity hours 13:00-03:00 GMT+3 Willing to play classes that will benefit(DOMI,SWS,CARDI) the clan on long/short term. Classes so far(Will keep updated): SPS(63 Level)(Full B) Destro(71 Level)(Full B armor-A Weapon)(Main) BD(60 Level)("") SE(56 Level)("") Send here a private or add discord Elrond#8740 for a further chat.
  8. Bicycle

    CANCEL - Bugged - removes only disco at full buff

    Actually it is not, this is PvP weapon cancel mechanic(removes from last to first disco then goes buffs).Active skill cancel such as (sorc,mm)is completely random but on all buffs equally.
  9. Bicycle

    [DS] team lf ppl ru/eng

    "Ru/Eng" But I am only seeing russian text atm.
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