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CorupteD's Achievements

  1. CorupteD

    CANCEL - Bugged - removes only disco at full buff

    @Apache Ant @Rylai any official answer regarding this issue?
  2. CorupteD

    CANCEL - Bugged - removes only disco at full buff

    That`s exactly the case here. None of the servers I played until now, official servers included, had this mechanics.
  3. When cancel is used on a full buffed target (12 d/s up) it removes ONLY disco. (5 random d/s) When the number of d/s is getting lower, there is a chance to remove buffs (5x cancel on target with 8 disco we removed on avarage 4 disco and 1 buff) Cancel should remove 5 RANDOM buffs or disco, this is a major bug which impacts all nuker parties. I used chars lvl 85 for this tests. I tested with buffs from npc and buffs from a normal character also.
  4. CorupteD

    EXP Change?

    The XP dropped a LOT since yesterday.
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