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  1. Sabor

    warsmith weapon

    i use 1 hand blunt for pve + golem its so easy aoe farm. for pvp i used to have dual blunt but the penalty of cd is noticeable. now i use barakiel but i want to see what i will make for S. so u suggest 1 hand blunt + shield for pvp... cool
  2. I have got a dilemma Warsmith's weapon should be 1 hand blunt+shield or dual blunts? for pvp and pve looking for opinions
  3. StrawHats clan recruiting groups full or small parties as well as solo players who can speak english We are Level 9 clan, mostly Greeks, lot of clan skills and growing, clan hall in Goddard. Veterans in MW Global we just created a clan for fun :) Requirements: -Level limit 65+ -Daily activity -Be able to communicate in English -Participate in events (castle/fort sieges, pvp, pve) -Have 2 hands 10 fingers and a brain "Sabor ingame or message in forum.
  4. i wanted to play olympiad on last day. so that extent period is fair for me.. stop crying
  5. melee cp (english / greek speaking) lf gladi(or tyrant) / ee 55+ experienced and active 5+ hours tag : oldschool mail / pm Sabor / AngelsWing
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