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Sabor's Achievements

  1. StrawHats clan recruiting groups full or small parties as well as solo players who can speak english We are Level 9 clan, mostly Greeks, lot of clan skills and growing, clan hall in Goddard. Veterans in MW Global we just created a clan for fun :) Requirements: -Level limit 65+ -Daily activity -Be able to communicate in English -Participate in events (castle/fort sieges, pvp, pve) -Have 2 hands 10 fingers and a brain "Sabor ingame or message in forum.
  2. i wanted to play olympiad on last day. so that extent period is fair for me.. stop crying
  3. melee cp (english / greek speaking) lf gladi(or tyrant) / ee 55+ experienced and active 5+ hours tag : oldschool mail / pm Sabor / AngelsWing
  4. Melee Int CP setup lf 2 DDs prefer Gladi / Tyrant / Dagger Prime time 20:00 GMT +2 - 01:00 Gmt +2 tag: OldSchool Greek speakers preferable pm in Forum or or ingame "Sabor /" AngelsWing / "Choosen
  5. Sabor

    Archer CP LF EE/Tricker(Judi)

    Greek/Int archer CP lf elven elder / trickster (judi) Clan : oldschool prime time 19:00-00:00 gmt+2 pm ingame "Sabor / "AngelsWing
  6. Sabor


    CP LF People to fill the spots for a full constant party English CP + Discord / TS constantly Setup till now : Warlord Paladin SE Spoiler(sub) we need people to fill the spots for a melee pvp/pve group. Prefer a Bard (BD / SWS) , Bishop , Dagger class, Warlock PM ingame "Sabor or msg here
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