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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    OniEatsAss изменил репутацию fabuLous в Clan War System - Blood Declaration   
    Hi, we already have this function but now it is being finalized.
  2. Like
    OniEatsAss изменил репутацию Papanda в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Дорогие друзья.
    Тема не осталась без внимания как игроков, так и администрации.
    Во избежании давления на ботхантеров (коим, кстати, я не являюсь) и игроков, непосредственно причастных к ситуации - тему я закрываю.
    Ответственные люди за блокировку персонажей, которые нарушают правила проекта, рассмотрят всю имеющуюся информацию и примут решение, после чего оно будет добавлено в мой ответ в этой теме.
    В данный момент персонаж находится в тюрьме, до принятия окончательного решения.
    PS: Отдельно хочу добавить, что было сказано очень много язвительных слов и в адрес проекта.
    Мы делаем все, что бы этот сервер был качественным, продолжительным с точки зрения длительности игровой сессии и запоминающимся с точки зрения насыщенности.
    Если вы хотите обвинить нас, вылив негативные эмоции и накопленную ненависть, запомнить нас и сервер таким - я не могу этому препятствовать.
    Персонаж Eltas находится в перманентной блокировке.
    Dear friends.
    The topic didn't go unnoticed by both players and administration.
    In order to avoid pressure on bot hunters (which, by the way, I am not) and players directly involved in the situation - topic is closed.
    Responsible people for blocking characters who violate the rules of the project will consider all available information and make a decision, after which it will be added to my answer in this thread.
    The character is currently in prison, pending a final decision.
    PS: I want to add separately that a lot of stinging words were said about the project.
    We are doing everything so that this server is of high quality, long in terms of the duration of the game session and memorable in terms of saturation.
    If you want to blame us, pouring out negative emotions and accumulated hatred to remember us and the server like that - I can not prevent this.
    Character Eltas has been banned permanently.
  3. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от iMakedonsky в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    I don't care what anyone's personal opinion on this is. The simple fact is that we all know, and can agree, that on ANY and EVERY server you play lineage 2 whether retail or a private server the simple fact remains that botting is ILLEGAL and is always a first time permanent ban offense. No one gets to argue that “oh I'm sorry I didn't realize using 3rd party programs was illegal even though it says it all over every servers rules and agreements that I've played on for the past 15 years!” People can choose to play dumb if they want to, but when you get caught you should stop crying and accept your fate of being permanently banned and your gear, items, and adena lost with your account.
    If you commit the crime accept the punishment. Being stupid isn't an excuse.?
  4. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от Felix87 в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    I don't care what anyone's personal opinion on this is. The simple fact is that we all know, and can agree, that on ANY and EVERY server you play lineage 2 whether retail or a private server the simple fact remains that botting is ILLEGAL and is always a first time permanent ban offense. No one gets to argue that “oh I'm sorry I didn't realize using 3rd party programs was illegal even though it says it all over every servers rules and agreements that I've played on for the past 15 years!” People can choose to play dumb if they want to, but when you get caught you should stop crying and accept your fate of being permanently banned and your gear, items, and adena lost with your account.
    If you commit the crime accept the punishment. Being stupid isn't an excuse.?
  5. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от Requiem в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    I don't care what anyone's personal opinion on this is. The simple fact is that we all know, and can agree, that on ANY and EVERY server you play lineage 2 whether retail or a private server the simple fact remains that botting is ILLEGAL and is always a first time permanent ban offense. No one gets to argue that “oh I'm sorry I didn't realize using 3rd party programs was illegal even though it says it all over every servers rules and agreements that I've played on for the past 15 years!” People can choose to play dumb if they want to, but when you get caught you should stop crying and accept your fate of being permanently banned and your gear, items, and adena lost with your account.
    If you commit the crime accept the punishment. Being stupid isn't an excuse.?
  6. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от Lafoyta в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Go figure... KKK members using BOT programs to get ahead and cheat. Not only should this character be banned but any items (adena, gear, etc.) accrued from using illegal programs should be stripped and banned/deleted as well. Cheaters are cheaters.


  7. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от panika в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Go figure... KKK members using BOT programs to get ahead and cheat. Not only should this character be banned but any items (adena, gear, etc.) accrued from using illegal programs should be stripped and banned/deleted as well. Cheaters are cheaters.


  8. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от Endspiel в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Go figure... KKK members using BOT programs to get ahead and cheat. Not only should this character be banned but any items (adena, gear, etc.) accrued from using illegal programs should be stripped and banned/deleted as well. Cheaters are cheaters.


  9. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от L2teamStorm в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Go figure... KKK members using BOT programs to get ahead and cheat. Not only should this character be banned but any items (adena, gear, etc.) accrued from using illegal programs should be stripped and banned/deleted as well. Cheaters are cheaters.


  10. Like
    OniEatsAss получил репутацию от fabuLous в KKK (Eltas) Botting - Illegal 3rd party program   
    Go figure... KKK members using BOT programs to get ahead and cheat. Not only should this character be banned but any items (adena, gear, etc.) accrued from using illegal programs should be stripped and banned/deleted as well. Cheaters are cheaters.


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