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akayds's Achievements

  1. Hello, just an idea/suggestion I think the penalty for spoiling lower level mobs should be removed, since you are putting much effort to level up spoiler to high level why should you be punished and not be able to go farm some lower grade rec/mats? Also what if you want to make sub spoiler and also level it to max level for certification yet you would be punished because some stuff are worth spoiling at lower levels than max level.. I think that penalty should be either removed (i am talking only about lower level mobs, not higher level) or put in a way that makes it still reasonably possible to spoil lower mobs
  2. akayds

    Updater Problems

    I hear many ppl are having this issue, for me it's on and off. Idk why it works fine and after some time it stops working.. From all my tests it seems to ahve something to do with this Eglobal.dll file and windows firewall/antivirus
  3. Hi, Me and at least 1-2 friends have the same problem: First friend he is not able to play from start of beta, he is getting crit error no matter what he tries Same for second friend As for me, I have played 3-4 days on beta and just now today I have the same problem. (Nothing changed but error just appeared) I/we tried: - Delete all files + reboot PC + clean install/full check - 1 Friend tried to reinstall windows and still has problems This is what happened to me: Windows detected virus/threat CryptInject!ml on this file system\Eglobal.dll He is now decypting the file to check it but I want to ask forums and admin if they know why this is causing this problem and how to fix it (also why the need to send some threat file to play on server? doesn't make sense to me) EDIT1: My friend is finished decrypting this file and couldn't find a problem he says... any ideas? EDIT2: Deleted everything and installed+full check from scratch and now my game opens, idk if it will redo the same problem in the future though, so far it's been working for couple hours now so try this: - Delete all files and start from zero - Restart PC - Download only the launcher.exe - Place it in 1 empty folder (where game will be downloaded) - Run launcher as administrator, it will start downloading some files - When it's done, don't open game yet, do full check - Now all should install properly, wait and try again to start game Note: some people that have problems are saying they downloaded client from google drive or etc, so there might be a problem with those files so try like I said only from launcher it will download the client by itself EDIT3: Problem is back, no crit error this time but launcher won't load files, same problem as many others have Thanks
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