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1476 просмотров профиля

Nimpho's Achievements

  1. Nimpho


    Nice one bro!
  2. Nimpho

    xSurg olympiad domination

  3. Nimpho

    Enchant % rate

    From my own experience: Fighter weapons C-S grade++ 66% Mage weapons C-S grade++ 33% Armors/jewels C-S grade++ 33 or 50% (rather 33%)
  4. Where is Chain Strike? I tested all tanks - all are кусок го**а do 79-83lvl, except DA +- TK SK not having Shield Bash 2nd prof? Paladin - the weakest class in the server by far until 79-83 lvl. On remastered server tank should have at least цепка. Спс
  5. Nimpho


    Prepare your Master cards again and feeding tactic, cause im here :D
  6. Nimpho


  7. Nimpho


    I understand the donate part of this game dude and its okay because that keeps the server alive. I just hate when someone who is hero ONLY because of it, has so big mouth and puts sh*t non stop on any forum post and ingame. He started it first, then he said lies.
  8. Nimpho


    You have too big mouth for a pathetic unreal donator. I bet my balls I have more money in my bank acc than you. Im just not such a cripple like you, so I do it without boost, even solo. When you are hero only because of your unreal boost compared to any of your opponents, at least have some honour and close your dirty mouth.
  9. Nimpho


    Relax retard He beat me 1 of 10 matches with 3 times more boost. Try to form logical sentense or stfu. Pathetic donator. You and your cripple DA friend would be scared to play even 1 game on oly if not x2 times more boosted than any other opponent. Pathetic donator player living in a dreamworld
  10. Nimpho


    Yes, because even tought i was solo and with 0 epics/boost, your cripple DA cp member would not be hero once, if you didn't relog him every time in Dwarven village 5-10 or more times in the end. :D
  11. Nimpho

    Dark Avenger Hero SCAM!?

    He couldnt farm his 500 pts? AHHAAHAHHA He can't farm even his subs if it wasnt you Anyway the topic is not about me only, its if Admins have to still tolerate such things for the sake of motivating other people to really play or donate on this server. Although you are unreal boost$, some of you might be really good players, but not all. In this case, there are at least 3 more skillful DA apart from me, playing total fair game with 0 relogs, waaaaaay better than him. This is piece of unbalance in the server, like many more, that would be better to be fixed (not according to you ofc, cuz you will stop getting fed by oly tokens) 0% honour 0% shame 100% relog and donate Donate is totally OK, because it helps the server to exist and thats the goal of the admins. Feeding/relogs like this is something that has to be fixed.
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