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  1. well is it forum all about that? I'm here because is nothing better out there in private servers, but i wanna play on GOOD server, not just a bit better than others. less shitty isn't perfect. Server needs grandwar, but ffs do it a bit hidden.
  2. Chaesoo

    Judi Buffs Spam

    some party's play with 2 box judi's off party^^
  3. Chaesoo

    Фог часть 2

    How are you on media production with that attitude and short temper is beyond me.
  4. Chaesoo

    Где баджи за ТВ????

    I can hear competition laughing from afar about this dumpster fire tw.
  5. Chaesoo

    Где баджи за ТВ????

    How long approximately will it take?
  6. Chaesoo

    Очередной патчноут

    And what about registration to TW, no castle no fun? There is no TW NPC in any town.
  7. And why they are fixing same things every time they launch new server?
  8. Chaesoo

    col 500k

    People are preparing for dualbox or reroll kamaels, online <5k last epics = less donors, so it's only natural.
  9. Chaesoo

    Kamael ♥

    Next time you launch a new similar server, write into description - Kamael meant to be for support dual boxes only. Your online numbers are declining, that's natural thing. How can one make CP after 2 mothns+ after a server start ? I tried to play other character for 5 days, no fun and quit. Maybe third server is a charm ? I wish you could learn faster.
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