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Attilio's Achievements

  1. thank you so much for your help <3
  2. Hi there, its me again. never done a subclass quest in this server at lvl 52, this is quite new for me. can anyone explain to me how to do it? i can see u can buy some septers and an Orb from the Butler/Classes option and take it to Reorin but which one do i need to buy exactly?
  3. Attilio

    Enchant % rate

    So if i want to enchant my mage wep +5 for example, and i use one of the chance stones, chance will be around 68%?
  4. Attilio

    Enchant % rate

    thanks for the info guys. i wanted to try to enchant my mage c weapon +7. its currently +4, but if is 33% like u think it is i might try with a chance stone then :P
  5. Hello there. Im quiet new in this server and i was wondering if anyone knows the enchant rate in this server. Sorry if there was a topic about this already, but i can't understand russian :p
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