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indahood's Achievements

  1. indahood

    Attack Range archer

    looking for a reply about this.
  2. indahood

    Attack Range archer

    can a GM answer or give us a feedback about that?
  3. indahood

    Attack Range archer

    can you pls recheck the range of archers? i was hitting an OL with my archer with autoattack and we had the same attack range. i have learned the archers will and it gives +100 range plus archer lvl 2 that gives you +50 range.. its cannot happen that we have same range and the OL can cast spells. something is wrong and i would to check it again.. Also i saw that often when i reach max range and hit 1 arrow to the mob and the mob is start buffing himself, my second autoattack is nearer it makes 2 steps closer and then hit an auto attack again.
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