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  1. Sometimes the reason to keep fighting is your enemies or competition. Obviously they give no break point for E-Global, thats mean you doing the things right and someone don't like your success and want to steal! With all my respect for your work and efford you put in this project, you already received our trust and respect, no need to give any gifts for the downtime that its not wanted from you but you keep fighting to continue provide what you do the best. Regards. Иногда причиной продолжения борьбы являются ваши враги или конкуренция. Очевидно, что они не дают E-Global точки останова, это означает, что вы все делаете правильно, и кому-то не нравится ваш успех, и они хотят украсть! При всем моем уважении к вашей работе и усилиям, которые вы вложили в этот проект, вы уже получили наше доверие и уважение, вам не нужно дарить какие-либо подарки за время простоя, которого вы не хотели, но вы продолжаете бороться, чтобы продолжать делать то, что вы делаете лучше всего . С уважением.
  2. Where is the option to do this like it was stated on the Safero post ? Thanks. Major changes It will be possible to create characters of the race Kamael; The starting location of the race is available - Dush Island; The number of monsters and their respe speed has been increased ( by analogy with the start of the server ); If you already have a character on our server, but you want to change it to Kamael - it is for you that the following information: To 30 numbers you can swap the names of your main character and the newly created Kamael completely free! To do this, you need to contact the support service with the following template: The name of the character_1 and the pin code from MA on which this character is located; The name of the character_2 and the pin code from MA, if this character is not on the same MA as the character_1; Pay attention! In order to take advantage of the name change function, one of the characters must be race Kamael. Swap the names of previously created characters of other races - impossible. To transfer some personal items to your new character - you can use the following functions: If you create a new character on the same account with the old one, you can transfer a large number of non-transferable items inside one account, namely: VIP system is common to the entire account; Premium Account applies to the entire account; Transfer PA and / or VIP points to another account impossible! Sealed ( undisclosed ) Unique Set; Costumes; Eternal talismans; MW Ring ( both ); Mounds; Extensions; Club Card. Pay attention! Coupons, cocktails, nipples and other consumables are not transferable. If you create a new character on another account, you can pack 2 eternal objects from the set into the transmitted box and transfer it to your new character. Items available for transfer: MW ring; MW Mounting Bracelet. Visit NPC Butler for storing items ------ ? No such an option to Butler at the moment.
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