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  1. Hey everyone, we are a Greek CP playing since server start. We've made numerous ammount of donations to support the server and enjoy the game. Today, our friend got scammed. He accidentally traded a wrong person in Dion Gatekeeper instead of his main character. The item that got scammed was Dual S +10. As you may understand we are talking for a huge item, top (maybe endgame) gear and the response we have received from support was : "We are not able to do anything, since you have traded the item." That's a huge lie. If someone can do anything about this sad situation - is totally YOU guys, the administrator team. I understand completely this was a "crappy and foolish" move that was made from our friend - but I'm pretty sure that YOU (as admins) can see exactly what happened from the logs etc. Sometimes, we are dizzy - not paying attention to what we do in game after so many hours playing and of course we can make mistakes. We are all humans after all. I know you might not care at all about our situation, but we are almost ready to quit the server just because of that. Please do some investigation and atleast delete the item, we don't care of getting the item back since its so hard to help us that way, but it's totally unfair a random guy to get so much boost from an item that he doesn't deserve to have. I'm once again asking you to help us with this situation @Safero@Rylai
  2. PomXML

    Unexpected 2h+ downtime on Sunday

    hahah my thoughts exactly! I answered the same above 😁
  3. PomXML

    Unexpected 2h+ downtime on Sunday

    No, I don't think that they are going to add anything new. For such things, they usually pronounce the changes and the timeframe the update/downtime will take place. It seems like something urgent and unexpected came up and they are trying to fix it before Olympiad starts. That's my assumption. It seems to be a huge issue though - having in mind the amount of downtime that have already passed.
  4. PomXML

    Unexpected 2h+ downtime on Sunday

    Yeah, after all we are a family here - so we have been rejected so much time to interact with our family 😂
  5. Hello everyone, I understand that something urgent came up that resulted in a approx 2+ hour downtime in the server with no info on how the server will be available again. This is normal, it can happen and we hope soon the problem will be resolved. However, as you already know - its Sunday - meaning the day that many of the players with not so much free time during the week, can actually play and do their progress. This is basically gone for today for many of us and I believe the reward from this unexpected downtime should be greater than any of the past. Once again, I completely understand that such urgent problems can happen - but we also lost so much time in a "free" day - aside of instances/raid bosses/spots we had/quests etc. I know admins already know what to do and I hope you are going to surprise us pleasantly once again! Let's see, happy Sunday ;)
  6. PomXML

    Bring Laba 78!

    The p**sy that dried you up)))
  7. PomXML

    Bring Laba 78!

    Hello CM! Thanks for the quick response! However I still don't understand what's the point on removing Laba 78 from the server. What makes it so forbidden? Zaken instance - very hard to deal with, super low chances on drops/SA and teribad exp. Orfen/Kore - I don't know how is going to be but I guess it will be still less xp than Laba and much harder to kill. Baylor/Twins - same thing Why not adding Laba 78? It's the only place you can catch up with the tryharders if you are not able to farm 247, atleast in terms of levels. A little later Kore, Orfen and AQ.(What do you mean by AQ? There will be an instance for Ant Queen? :O)
  8. Hello everyone! I find it quite necessary to inform that there are many players that rely in instances as a daily farm/xp routine. The server is still very much populated and it's an option for casual players to get a progress throughout instances that they can do daily. I'm one of these players - I have no time or full party to start contest the outside farm spots (which are going to be heavily overcrowded by the usual cp's in the near future) so I'm asking you to consider bringing Laba 78. I still enjoy the game even though I'm playing it with a lot slower rythms and I find this solution for the majority of players worth noting. In the end of the day, having laba 78 is a + for everyone. Thoughts?
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