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  1. All mid players know this mechanics. If u check fraps u than you will see iTamerlan don’t shoot in SK
  2. I'm calm. I've already been toled that you are freaks
  3. https://prnt.sc/IiqSUDkW1rWj It’s gvg? Your clans shoot in back
  4. Or fight with eye of pagrio (opb) it’s gvg? No
  5. What’s the problem ? It’s works both ways
  6. When your clans shot me in the back it’s not gvg. If u fight with hs poisons it’s not gvg.
  7. On all servers don’t work agr in coliseum but this did not interfere gvg we are in same conditions what are you afraid of?
  8. Better than yours dd that shoots in ue 20 seconds 🤡🤡🤡
  9. Idiot ? This is default mechanics
  10. Go coliseum for me gvg only in coliseum. All other location this daily fight
  11. Frick when did daily become gvg? maybe gvg this 2 x 1? Or hs poisons? if u wanna gvg go coliseum
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