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О blackwolf

  • День рождения 03/28/1996


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blackwolf's Achievements

  1. blackwolf

    LF Constant Party

    As the title says I am looking for international cp. I speak English decently I have enough experiance (playing since interlude) I won't cry for items or emo quit Playing mainly for the fun and by fun i mean PvP, PvP and most important PvP I am fine with every cp setup (mage/archer/melee). For more information skype: svetli9628
  2. blackwolf

    LF english speaking cp/clan

    Bulgaria. GMT+2
  3. blackwolf

    Averia x15 - Launch September 13, 2014

    So here i saw that in GM shop there will be S grade armor and weps, but ingame i can't see them?
  4. blackwolf

    Czech Cp....LF Clan

    Try to get in touch with the leaders of Hellsing clan.
  5. blackwolf

    Critical error

    Oh sorry i got my attention on fixing the problem and forgot about the topic. I downloaded Averia l2 client, but still have some problems. Right now i run the updater and wait to see what is going to happen. P.S. Everything is fine for now. I can log in and play. Thanks for your concern. :)
  6. blackwolf

    Critical error

    As the title says i decided to take a break for few hours and when tried to log in, boooooom: Already re-installed the game, still same problem. I write my name/pass. Everything is perfect, but when i need to choose in which Proxy server to enter i got the error above. Every kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. blackwolf

    Averia x55 - server description.

    Sorry, but i missed the OBT and didn't found anything about GM shop. I suppose there will be one, but till S grade (dynasty)? Can i buy Naga Storm / Sirra's Blade there or not? What else can be bought through the Gm shop? Things like this... Thanks in advance. :)
  8. blackwolf

    Need people for cp

    So i am looking for CP. 18 years old; GMT+2; i don't know what cp you are going to make but my mine classes are th/gh/duelist. Actually i have experiance with all classes except supporting ones. :rolleyes:
  9. blackwolf

    Lf cp

    I feel your pain bro. Here is impossible to find cp (or to make one). My mates don't play anymore so i am alone, but still i am going to try my luck and play here. After start i can pm you with my ingame name, so if you are bored we can make something like the 2 of us against the world. :D Gl & Hf
  10. blackwolf

    LF english speaking cp/clan

    I think to start the x50 server, but to play all alone is not a very good idea. So i'm looking for people to play with. My english is good (i think) and i understand a little bit russian.
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