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    Arcana Lord
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  1. BackSpace


  2. BackSpace


    Yo, Looking for more pvp oriented CP Prime 20/21 - 00 GMT +2 For more INFO PM here or IG "Strategist
  3. BackSpace

    Olympiad Aren

    You serious?
  4. BackSpace

    Olympiad Aren

    Why u cant fix that oly geodata? Now with this bug most scrubs just make some dmg and runs the whole match bcoz even if u finish cast skill on ur enemy and he makes 1 step behind the corner u fail skill...
  5. BackSpace

    Battle for Olympiad 24/7

    where u saw the list?
  6. BackSpace

    Battle for Olympiad 24/7

    So where is the list of each class winners?
  7. BackSpace

    gludio siege

    da fuk i just watched... b4 uploading fraps like this watch severial times and think if it worth coz this one is totaly trash... no offense
  8. BackSpace

    Cardi LF CP

  9. BackSpace

    PvP tournament [GUIDE]

    and event will start in 4 days that means u can reg even when event already started or something is wrong with my math ;/
  10. BackSpace

    hi anyone can give me some info?

    Maybe from russian side population still same but for Int side many players already left server :)
  11. BackSpace

    WTS Vorpal Leather Set +3 1800

    It's not first and i guess not the last time russians write their native language in international section but you dont take it seriously. Probably coz they dont care. My suggestion is ban in forum for every russian or any other language used in international section well except recruitment coz sometimes people lf clan/cp from their native country.
  12. BackSpace

    Cardi LF CP

  13. BackSpace

    Cardi LF CP

    UP. Can play as driver aswell. If cp really good can even reroll to any class cp need. Item not the problem can dress any char any time.
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