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  • Member Title
    Foreign Department Manager

Reine's Achievements

  1. Reine

    Can't choose server

    How did you solve the problem then?
  2. Reine

    Can't choose server

    I would suggest to download the whole client assembled by Averia Team. https://www.sendspace.com/file/ym9jms
  3. Reine

    Can't choose server

    Links to download Averia game client: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-game-files.47367/
  4. Reine

    Hello-Hat buged

    You should have started with that :) This is definitely not a problem with your client then. So, the exact name of the hat is Warrior Helmet, right? Also, please tell me race and gender of your character.
  5. Reine

    Hello-Hat buged

    If you can't see one of our custom textures, this means some files in your game client are corrupted or absent. Please run the full check via Averia Updater.
  6. Reine

    Oly points

    This. Though I am not sure it's working as intended by Koreans. Anyway, I reported that to technical admin, and if it's still a bug, it will be fixed. Sorry for leaving you without an answer for so long.
  7. Reine

    Oly points

    Excuse me, what kind of information are you looking forward to? I thought I answered your question.
  8. Reine

    12 $

    Right, but only after you acquire at least 300$. Then we transfer them to your character as Avers.
  9. Reine

    How to start without having technical issues.

    Log in to our website and create a game account there using login and password that you've received on your e-mail.
  10. Reine


    Confirum-confirum :)
  11. Can I play with you too?
  12. Reine

    Forum and game interfaces in English

    .cfg -> Translit OFF
  13. Reine

    Change email

    First of all, attach a screenshot of the error, because errors could be different. Secondly, please try another browser.
  14. Reine


    Possible. Have patience please.
  15. Reine


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