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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    Reine изменил репутацию Dev в и опять скам...   
    Совсем недавно заявленный мембер с пачки из ЦЦ под ником Lifestealer был посажен драйвером на перса ТХ в моем мили паке. Все вроде бы неплохо начиналось - советы по развитию, большой онлайн, но как-то слишком много просьб, попрошайничества и крайней степени чсв.
    Честно, сомневались многие, в том числе и я.
    В этот прекрасный вечер все происходило штатно - поставленные на прайм задачи решались, на олимп на ТХ эпик был выдан, волны состоялись. Поведение в последние дни стало меня напрягать и мною было принято решение кикнуть мембера из пачки, чем я и занялся ближе к 3 часам ночи.
    Дабы обезопасив имущество пачки, мы приступили к смене паролей саппортов (да-да в пачке почти полный акк шаринг), а затем непосредственно на ТХ. Но опаздал. Минут на 10 не более.
    С тх было скинуто на своих твинков ворпал лайт сет, ак, баюм, ворпал бижа, соес и т.д., что больше всего задело - так это проажа 1 коктейлчика, 2 фаер стоунов и сосок))) и срррразу же открылся магазин на pwlvl))
    Соскамил в общем все. До последней нитки.
    Мораль сей басни такова - даже с рекомендациями, даже при большом опыте игры, даже при том, что человек входит в доверие - не доверяйте и шарьте акки только между проверенными людьми, и конечно же надейтесь, что и у них рука не дрогнет!
    P.S. Спасибо администрации проекта, которая оперативно ( при предоставленных определенных доказательств) вернула все награбленное в 4 утра в очень сжатые сроки. Чувствуется хоть какая-то защищенность. Спасибо.
  2. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Gries в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

  3. Like
    Reine изменил репутацию Styla в Anarchy Recruting   
    on x7, moderators will be doing random ingame checks. Everyone who doesn't speak english well enough shall be banned for lifetime :thumbsup:
  4. Like
    Reine изменил репутацию JamesWoods в Anarchy Recruting   
    No, but even if we have players from other countries playing on x50 server it is a very small number and I can't see them staying here for to long because the majority of players are Russian speaking and when you are playing a game like L2 you need to be able to communicate with others. Hopefully this will change when with the opening of x7 server.
  5. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от RikiTikiT0k в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

  6. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Ricky_Ticky_Toc в Instance and window limits / Raid bosses info   
    Since we are fairly expecting a huge number of players online, we had to confine the Lineage II windows maximum.
    (As you remember we are limiting the number of game windows to 2, but there is a chance we have to limit it to 1)
    Therefore instance limits are lowered.
    Night Zaken - 72 players were needed / maximum number of zones was 5
    Now the limits are: 36 players to go / maximum number of zones is 10
    Day Zaken - 9 players were needed / maximum number of zones was 20
    Now the limit is: maximum number of zones is 30
    Freya - maximum number of zones was 20
    Now the limit is: maximum number of zones is 30
    Frintezza - 36 players were needed / maximum number of zones was 5
    Now the limits are: 18 players to go / maximum number of zones is 7
    Pailakas - maximum number of zones was 15
    Now the limit is: maximum number of zones is 45
  7. Like
    Reine изменил репутацию Muerte Legend в Меня сюда позвали, я не хотел, но я передумал, и не знаю теперь как мне быть.   
    Мне нравится кот на форуме, он красивее чем все что есть на плейдефо.
    Всех с новым годом, приведу пак, думаю взять сатирикона который насосал и сквиза который ушел с л2, на крайний случай нагибателя имиральда корецонеца, возможно шеди, он будет пл и будет всех нас ругать и материть за то, что он умирает в сражениях с афк-рейнджер паками.
    Ноунеймов вроде аймензерга не будет, они нас не любят и не уважают. Дефо не пойдет, я узнавал, он все еще зол на меня и игнорит.
    Мест 5 свободно, нуждаемся в рабах сапортах 30+ лет. Я глад, делаю мувы, зарабатываю больше чем вы, я не фейк правда, всем пока.
  8. Like
    Reine изменил репутацию oika в Команда проекта Averia.ws поздравляет всех с Новым годом!!!   
    Дорогие игроки Averia.ws, уже совсем чуть-чуть осталось до встречи Нового 2014 года:thumbsup:.
    А потому этот репортаж посвящен именно этому красочному и долгожданному событию.
    Сегодня у меня в гостях люди, которых Вы все хорошо знаете и любите.:-)

    Участники команды проекта Averia.ws шлют Вам, уважаемые игроки, свои поздравления.:inlove:

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Averia, Руководитель проекта. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    :inlove: :thumbsup: :inlove: Anonymous,Technical Administrator. :inlove: :thumbsup: :inlove:
    Аверийцы, поздравляю Вас с наступающим или наступившим, смотря, когда будите читать мое поздравление:-), Новым годом. Желаю приятной и справедливой игры, без лишних напрягов, мы со своей стороны постараемся сделать все возможное, чтобы Вам было комфортно играть на проекте Averia.ws. В личной жизни всем любви, благополучия, семейного тепла и понимания. :thumbsup:

    :-) :-) :-) Blue,Леди Единорог. :-) :-) :-)

    Всем привет, мои хорошие! :-)
    Желаю вам в будущем году, всего самого наилучшего...
    Хорошего фана,много эпиков,удачной заточки:-)
    Много вкусного спойла,и удачного крафта.
    Пускай баны Вас обходят стороной, а спину прикрывают верные товарищи.
    Ну и, конечно же, желаю вам от всего моего радужного сердечка,
    реализации вашей мечты.
    Берегите здоровье, и не разговаривайте с оливье. :-)
    Люблю всех,всегда ваша Blue :-)


    :thumbsup: :-) ;) Conscience,Technical Support. ;) :-) :thumbsup:

    Уважаемые игроки проекта Averia.ws. От всей души хотелось бы поздравить вас всех с наступающим Новым годом! Уходящий год был для нас действительно важен и был полон как радостью, так и горечью событий, которые настигли нас в нем. Но лично мне бы хотелось, чтобы мы забрали с собой лишь положительные воспоминания и эмоции, чтобы приумножить их в предшествующем году. Желаю, чтобы все отметили этот замечательный праздник именно так, как они мечтают. Успехов вам в учебе, работе, игре. Удачи и счастья в личной жизни, крепких нервов и побольше терпения, ну и конечно же исполнения ваших заветных желаний, которые вы будете загадывать под бой курантов и запах мандаринов. ;)
    Мне бы очень хотелось, чтобы новый 2014-й год стал для каждого из нас по-своему особенным и принес с собой море позитива и радости в вашу жизнь. В свою очередь мы постараемся улучшить наш проект Averia.ws, чтобы вам было еще приятнее проводить здесь время со своими друзьями. Спасибо огромное всем тем, кто был с нами в этом году и надеемся, что в будущем в ряды доблестных аверийцев вступит еще больше новичков, которые будут вместе с вами писать новую историю проекта Averia.ws в новом 2014-м году!
    С Новым Годом, друзья!:thumbsup::-)

    :p :thumbsup: :p Лисёнок,Модератор. :p :thumbsup: :p
    Хочу поздравить с Новым Годом, всех Вас, хорошие, любимые мои!
    Пусть праздник встретит хороводом улыбок, счастья и любви!
    Пусть станут явью все надежды, пусть все сбываются мечты!
    Пусть все не будет, так как прежде, но будет лучше, как ты не крути!
    И каждый день несет лишь только радость, с Аверией нам все преграды по плечу!
    И может в том году проказничала малость, но в этом никого не огорчу;)
    Пусть солнышко для вас лишь только светит, и каждый день приносит счастье в дом,
    Кто не нашел любовь пусть ее встретит, пусть вас завалит денег снежный ком!


    :cool: :-) :cool: Q2iz, Модерафт. :cool: :-) :cool:
    Я все время отшучиваюсь и желаю всем кучу денег, мол есть деньги - все купишь, но на самом деле, сейчас я хочу пожелать всем - Лошадиного здоровья! Искренней любви! Настоящих друзей!
    А для души, пусть Дед Мороз исполнит по одному заветному желанию каждого нашего игрока, будь то валакас на 16 или же феррари ф50 в сугробе у окна.
    Есть фраза: "Счастливый человек излучает добро и делится им с близкими людьми", светитесь как лампочки, радуйте родных, близких!
    Улыбайтесь чаще, говорите друг другу больше приятных слов, дышите воздухом!
    Новогодняя ночь - время волшебства <3
    До встречи в новом 2014 году!


    :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes: Kokoshka, Модератор. :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:
    Хочу поздравить всех игроков Аверии с наступающим Новым Годом. Хочу пожелать любви и взаимопонимания, ведь без взаимопонимания жизнь не так хороша, как хотелось бы. Также хочу извиниться перед всеми, кого я могла задеть или обидеть:(, и пожелать им отметить НГ в тепле и уюте. :-):thumbsup:


    :sneaky: :cautious: :D Jackman,Модератор. :D :cautious: :sneaky:
    Хочу все пожелать в здравой памяти встретить Новый 2014 год, не забыть поздравить родных и близких, а уж только потом пуститься во все тяжкие. А если серьезно, крепкого всем здоровья, удачи, благополучия. Уверенно шагайте по жизни, не бойтесь делать ошибки, все получится! :inlove:

    :ninja: :-) :ninja: ReLame, Technical Support. :ninja: :-) :ninja:
    Всем-всем добра и мира! ;)
    Воспринимайте жизнь такой, какая она есть, цените своих друзей, любите родных. Берите от жизни все, но помните, что есть грани, которые Вы не должны перешагивать. Здоровья, любви и приятной игры на нашем проекте. :inlove::thumbsup:


    :p :-) :p HALLLASTERA, Призрак сервера. :p :-)
    Дорогому игроку!
    Спасибо, что ты есть,
    Живешь, играешь...
    Все беды с нами переживаешь,
    Если вдруг недуг-в тех сапорт велком друг,
    Если вдруг дуповогни, немедленно таблеточку прими,
    С Новым Годом тебя поздравляю,
    Веселись в этот день, не грусти.
    Много счастья тебе я желаю,
    Но особенно счастья в любви.
    Ну, а реальным пацанам:



    :cautious: :-) ;) Mandarina, Модератор форума. ;) :-) :cautious:
    Я — Цитрусовая желаю всем добра, новогоднего настроения, много фарма, кача, адены и эпика!
    И немного мандарин:


    :inlove: :sick: :inlove: Mansel, Модератор. :inlove: :sick: :inlove:
    Хочу пожелать всем огромной удачи, чтобы у всех все получалось, и никто не сдавался, если что-то дается ему с трудом.
    Этот год был тяжелым, но были моменты, которые можно искренне назвать счастьем, так вот я желаю вам, друзья, чтобы у вас таких моментов было как можно больше, и вы были счастливы!:-)


    :thumbsup: :-) :thumbsup: WhiteTigra, Модератор. :thumbsup: :-) :thumbsup:
    Хотелось бы поздравить всех жителей проекта с наступающим Новым Годом и подарить им поздравление в стихах,
    сочиняла специально для вас.:inlove::-)
    В небе звон колоколов,
    Праздник наступает.
    Веселится весь Аден,Новый Год встречает.
    Крошка-гном в санях летит
    В новогодней шапке,
    Ручкой машет и свистит,
    Дарит всем подарки.
    А на площади большой
    Вся в убранстве золотом, снежинках и иголках.
    Подбежала детвора,
    Трепят деда-гнома,
    Подавай подарки им, да шутих веселых.
    - "А тебе, нахальный орк, не видать подарка!
    Ты зачем народ пугал
    В городах и парках?"
    Вдруг откуда не возьмись,
    Словно вихрь белый,
    В небе звездочки зажглись,
    Эльфы песнь запели.
    О морях и о лугах, о далеких странах,
    О воздушных кораблях, деревьях-великанах.
    Тут уж темные эльфийки сразу в пляс пустились,
    Орки радостно свистят, ух, повеселились!
    Даже Валик и Тарас
    Вышли на пригорки,
    Чтоб исподтишка взглянуть
    На праздничную елку.
    Все гуляют и шумят,
    В городах веселье,
    Ведь Averia.ws шлет всем поздравления.
    С Новым Годом всех друзья
    Я Вас поздравляю!
    Больше замков и побед
    Я Вам всем желаю!
    Больше преданных друзей
    И осад веселых,
    Больше ярких дней в году,
    Мандаринов спелых!
    В небе звон колоколов
    Новый день встречает,
    Крошка-гном в санях уснул,
    Праздник провожает...
    Разбрелись все по домам,
    Удалось веселье,
    Ведь Averia.ws - самый лучший сервер!:thumbsup:

    Хорошие мои, я так же от всей души поздравляю всех-всех с наступающим Новым годом. :thumbsup:
    Пусть он принесет Вам то, о чем Вы так долго мечтали. ;)
    Огромное спасибо девчонкам за креативный подход к поздравлениям. :inlove::-) Думаю, читатели согласятся со мной, получилось здорово!
    Стоп. Это еще не все!;)
    Сюрприз от нашего главного массовика-затейника Blue для всех участников проекта.


  9. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от McSerzh в MMOTOP Vote   
    Voting for us at
    La2.mmotop.ru you are not just helping us to develop the project, but also receive fine bonuses!

    For your every vote you are rewarded with:

    300 Averinkas (For the first week of every month you receive 500 Averinkas every day)
    1 Averia feather (Can be spent for purchasing unique and rare accessoires)

    The assortment enlarges constantly. The brand-new clothes are:

    We wanted to make sure you vote for us and get bonuses as often as possible so we put a kitty to the bottom left corner of our forum. Caress him gently and you will be automatically redirected to the vote page!
    We certainly do not recommend to vote via SMS - this way is pretty expensive and you can probably get no bonus if you have already voted for free. Therefore this is the waste of time and money so the effective means is the free one.
    See the next post in order to vote properly.
  10. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от QueenKatrin в MMOTOP Vote   
    Voting for us at
    La2.mmotop.ru you are not just helping us to develop the project, but also receive fine bonuses!

    For your every vote you are rewarded with:

    300 Averinkas (For the first week of every month you receive 500 Averinkas every day)
    1 Averia feather (Can be spent for purchasing unique and rare accessoires)

    The assortment enlarges constantly. The brand-new clothes are:

    We wanted to make sure you vote for us and get bonuses as often as possible so we put a kitty to the bottom left corner of our forum. Caress him gently and you will be automatically redirected to the vote page!
    We certainly do not recommend to vote via SMS - this way is pretty expensive and you can probably get no bonus if you have already voted for free. Therefore this is the waste of time and money so the effective means is the free one.
    See the next post in order to vote properly.
  11. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Ricky_Ticky_Toc в MMOTOP Vote   
    Voting for us at
    La2.mmotop.ru you are not just helping us to develop the project, but also receive fine bonuses!

    For your every vote you are rewarded with:

    300 Averinkas (For the first week of every month you receive 500 Averinkas every day)
    1 Averia feather (Can be spent for purchasing unique and rare accessoires)

    The assortment enlarges constantly. The brand-new clothes are:

    We wanted to make sure you vote for us and get bonuses as often as possible so we put a kitty to the bottom left corner of our forum. Caress him gently and you will be automatically redirected to the vote page!
    We certainly do not recommend to vote via SMS - this way is pretty expensive and you can probably get no bonus if you have already voted for free. Therefore this is the waste of time and money so the effective means is the free one.
    See the next post in order to vote properly.
  12. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Averia.ws в MMOTOP Vote   
    Voting for us at
    La2.mmotop.ru you are not just helping us to develop the project, but also receive fine bonuses!

    For your every vote you are rewarded with:

    300 Averinkas (For the first week of every month you receive 500 Averinkas every day)
    1 Averia feather (Can be spent for purchasing unique and rare accessoires)

    The assortment enlarges constantly. The brand-new clothes are:

    We wanted to make sure you vote for us and get bonuses as often as possible so we put a kitty to the bottom left corner of our forum. Caress him gently and you will be automatically redirected to the vote page!
    We certainly do not recommend to vote via SMS - this way is pretty expensive and you can probably get no bonus if you have already voted for free. Therefore this is the waste of time and money so the effective means is the free one.
    See the next post in order to vote properly.
  13. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Caroline в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

  14. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Fe3JKyL в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

  15. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от AnTiShOcK в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

  16. Like
    Reine получил репутацию от Narcissa в Averia x7 - server description   
    Now, due to really huge advertising campaign, Averia.ws' x7 January opening is known in every CIS Lineage II community. Players and clans from all over the world are gathering to take part in the most massive Lineage II server start in history!


    The concept of server is:
    We have been working hard for 8 months and nowadays we are known as the largest and the most popular server of the year 2013!
    Efficient technical support, regular updates, hundreds of contests and events, dynamic advertising campaign, high number of players online even half a year after opening - all of it is not just words for us! We've put our heart and energy into the development of this project and we proved it!
    What exactly will be done before start?
    We are planning to imitate the 20000 players online start at our private beta-testing and it's not just words as well, because the last 2 months we are testing and optimizing our server sources for the grand opening! I suppose no one will enjoy playing with lags, spikes etc. We will publish the video of this imitating so everyone can estimate how many people there will be. Our goal is to make your gaming experience comfortable and that's why we are going to set up dozens of proxies to establish a reliable network connection for you.

    Download the game client | Download Updater | Download the patch

    Main rates of Averia's new server:
    Exp: x7
    SP x7
    Adena: x5
    Drop: Chance x4; Quantity х1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Quantity х3
    Quest Reward: x1
    Quest Items: x2
    Epaulettes: x2
    Chat commands:
    .cfg - to enable or disable an autoloot/stop experience gaining/disable traders/no carrier
    .ping to help you choose an optimal proxy-server
    .premium to check if your group members got Premium Accounts
    .offline - to enable offline trading
    .clan - to give access to clan warehouse
    What will be available to buy in Averia store?
    Common low-rates items such as: accessories/cloaks (plus 50% to weight limit)/agations/pets (everlasting)/runes/consumables/haircuts.
    What will be NOT available to buy in Averia store?
    Weapons, armor, jewerly, enchant scrolls, attributes etc.

    [spoiler=Will the offline-trade system be available?]Yes, starting with 40 level of your character
    [spoiler=Can I purchase Avers before the opening?]Yes and this is surely most optimal way due to payment system can possibly be overloaded at the opening.
    [spoiler=Will the Premium account be avalable and what are the benefits?]
    Yes, it will be available.
    The cost is
    30 Avers for 1 day of Premium account
    70 Avers for 3 day of Premium account
    120 Avers for 7 day of Premium account
    220 Avers for 14 day of Premium account
    320 Avers for 30 day of Premium account
    520 Avers for 60 day of Premium account
    In addition you get an agation as a small gift.
    Premium account bonuses:
    Exp + 50%
    SP + 50%
    Adena + 40%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +80%
    Increase of weight limit +25%
    Epaulettes drop chance +25%
    Craft success chance increase +12% (If you OR your crafter own PA the chance inreases by 12% but if you both own PA the chance won't go up to 24% and stays constant.
    Rare item crafting chance increases by 30% ( 3% by default, 4% for PA owners)
    [spoiler=Are there any events coming?]Standart: TvT / LastHero / Coffer of Shadows
    [spoiler=Champions mobs?]Nope.
    [spoiler=First sieges?]March 9, 2014
    [spoiler=How can I get my character's profession?]1 profession: 40 Avers or by completing a quest.
    2 profession: 100 Avers or an alternate quest for 3 000 000 adena
    3 profession: Only quest
    [spoiler=How about a sub-class and a noblesse?]You can get it only by completing appropriate quests.
    [spoiler=Olympiad?]Olympiad stars at the 1st of March, heroes are defined every month.
    [spoiler=Any bonuses for the whole clan moving?]Nope.
    [spoiler=How do I purchase Avers?]Follow the link below.
    [spoiler=How often is server updated?]It happens 3 times a week as usual.
    [spoiler=When am I able to use shout or trade chats?]Right after you reach level 20
    [spoiler=Is max sub-class level limited?]Yes, by 80
    [spoiler=When does the auction house start?]April 1, 2014
    [spoiler=Will there be an automatic loot?]Yes, for every player.
    [spoiler=Will there be premium pets?]Yes and they will cost 250 Avers each. They are everlasting, do not starve and you can't trade them as well.
    [spoiler=Is Hellbound opened in the very beginning?]Nope, players will open it themselves.
    [spoiler=Lineage II windows limit?]
    We got 2 months before the opening and forum is very active right now. It's hard to predict what will happen in February, therefore you should consider about 2 windows limit, but probably we will have to decrease limit to only one window.
    [spoiler=How do I earn Avers in game?]Avers are included in Raid Bosses' drop. RB drops Avers if it is level 40 or below.
    Project features:

    Dances/Songs last for 3 minutes
    Premium pets are everlasting
    .km-all-to-me command is disabled
    Trade zone can be found in Giran Harbor and Parnassus (easy of access in Alt+B menu)
    Macros work fine (cooldown can be reduced)
    7 raid bosses: only the party which performed a finishing blow gets quest items.
    Real money trading and/or using third-party sowtware lead to permanent ban with no possibility to unban.
    Procuring somebody's goods fraudulently leads to ban as well.
    Breaking forum rules continuoulsy can also be turned into game account blocking.
    Game characters trading, as well as account trading, is forbidden.
    Players are not allowed to offer driver service (nevertheless you can look for a driver). To make sure everyone gets this clearly - a driver is a person who levels your character up for a reward to save you some time.

    We use one of the best java-assemblage for our game server.
    You may always be confident it the future while staying with us!

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