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1 подписчик

О Solir

  • День рождения 06/27/1989


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Solir's Achievements

  1. Solir

    Olympiad enchant

    That's not a real problem, but it starts to be when servers are merged and you get people in olympiad with insane enchant. :-)
  2. Solir

    Boxes limits

    That will let me stay away from the new server, I can't do zaken/freya in solo anymore. :(
  3. Sadly there is no max enchant for oly.
  4. Solir

    talismans icons files

    Yes it would be useful, but meanwhile you can use Google translate, it's pretty easy to understand.
  5. Solir

    need info about old server

    You probably mean the 50x started on July 2015, it was merged with the 70x started on December 2014. There is no more the description on the forum as I can see. But you can find the description of the merged server here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-x100-opened-in-12-december-2014.70425/ It's the 70x description modified.
  6. Solir

    talismans icons files

    Skillgrp.dat and Armorgrp.dat in system_averia_guard. You can also find other type of talisman icons (like the old ones) here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/Горячая-линия-по-вопросам-редактирования-игрового-клиента.59329/ (in the second spoiler).
  7. Solir

    Merge of x50 & x70

    No limits to enchants/adena this time then? Pretty sad.
  8. Solir

    Augment List

    There is no active/passive reflect augment in augment list. It's not so fair for OBT Olympiads. :)
  9. Solir

    Damage Soulhound

    Si si, ora però sono sull'altro di cui ti avevo parlato! Sei sempre in tempo a venire! :D
  10. Solir

    Damage Soulhound

    Ma no dai, sei ancora qui? xD
  11. Solir

    Голосование в Европе

    Don't worry, I wish you a good job!;)
  12. Solir

    Голосование в Европе

    +1, this is exactly what I meant in my post:
  13. So if I pk someone I can't get Amulets, right? :-)
  14. Don't know if it was already asked: can I get Amulets also if I pk someone? Or only pvp?
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