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О c0rpse

  • День рождения 06/15/1985


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  1. c0rpse

    Cannot create account

    Nevermind, I managed to create one. But the account name and password are so weird i doubt i will remember them :D
  2. c0rpse

    Cannot create account

    Doesn't work. Tried multiple times with capital letter as first, or in the middle, still those 2 errors.
  3. c0rpse

    Cannot create account

    I registered a master account, but I cannot create a playing account. It always give me the following 2 errors: 1. Password must be a combination of numbers and letters 2. System failure I use a password between 6-12 letters and numbers, so it's not my fault. Tried a thousand different passwords and usernames, can't register anything. Is there any way an admin can create an account for me?
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