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О hectic

  • День рождения 04/28/1993


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  1. hectic


    It's not about nationality, everyone has as many chances as their effort in playin the server is. In case you can't farm up or you have no clue about high five, yeh you got no chances, over than that you can still try and get rewarded with a bunch of items from oly. Hero is pretty much useless apart of the weapon/skills which yet won't really help if you're solo. My D cents.
  2. hectic

    Give me a hand over here

    Hey, is there a guide on how to vote? I can't really seem gettin into it. Plus I'd like to know how to exchange my forum $ for in game avery.
  3. hectic

    A couple of questions

    thanks mate
  4. hectic

    A couple of questions

    Hey there, I'm not able to log into the server and check it myself so I wanna ask the exact followin: . s / d on two minutes duration? . do mana potions exist? . do Buffers Provide any Other Buff such as CC / Paag Eye etc? . is everything else retail like (areas, quests, farm system)?
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