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NExusG's Achievements

  1. Nisroc-Akatsuki

  2. NExusG

    Event "help Rosalia -make a bouquet!"

    x70 no ? :(
  3. NExusG

    Our favourite films

    writter of the book and imo "father" of horror books/movies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._P._Lovecraft
  4. NExusG


    an 8elete damage blate sto party kai enan lyko (protimate lykos tou xioniou) kai mia kookabura na kserete me full gear kovei oso o sph me enlighment //ta_matia_mou_ponesan
  5. Is this April's fool day joke or what? nvm gl
  6. NExusG

    armor appearance

    thanks a lot, worked :thumbsup:
  7. NExusG

    armor appearance

    uploaded, btw i have the 120 avers needed to change appearance in my inventory
  8. NExusG

    armor appearance

    give me 1 minute, i'll upload message i get when im doing what you say, thanks for reply anyway
  9. NExusG

    armor appearance

    up :(
  10. NExusG

    armor appearance

    how can i link my suit in armor? i wanna have appearance of suit but stats of armor, i dont know if you understand what i want to do i can change my armor (vorpal) to look like dc / tallum /dynasty etc but i cant make it look like my "school suit" on official servers there is an item call "appearance stone" that does not exist here i think, so i bought this suit for nothing? that i want to know thanks
  11. NExusG

    armor appearance

    sorry i didnt understand, my main armor can't look like the suit i bought with aver correct?
  12. NExusG

    armor appearance

    Can i change my armor to look like a suit (costum) or i can change my armor's appearance only to look like another armor?
  13. 2014.6.7 02:30:34 OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601) CPU : AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ @ 2510 MHz 2047MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT (378 PosCode : LS8(273) 117000:76872:-2706 2/1 [654] SetFilePointer Failed 7388255/24681621: 24681601 The handle is invalid. History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- ULinkerLoad::Seek <- TRoughArray::Load <- UMeshAnimation::LoadMovementData <- LoadAnimData <- APawn::PostLoadProcess <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- UMasterLevel::Tick <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop This is the error i get, i dont see any solution in this topic, if someone could help me i'd really apreciate it :) (in English pls i cant read russian :D)
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