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О MrLizingas

  • День рождения 01/22/1994


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MrLizingas's Achievements

  1. Hello as the title say i am looking for int/lt clan. Pm me in game "Kampas.
  2. MrLizingas

    LT players

    Turėtų belekiek gladu but mano nuomone :D
  3. MrLizingas

    LT players

    Nežinau. Aš už gladą tikriausiai ir bandysiu.
  4. MrLizingas

    LT players

    Tai reiks gal Lietuvišką šaiką surinkti :D
  5. MrLizingas

    Lf cp

    Hey i also will play here so make it 6 against the world :D
  6. MrLizingas

    LT players

    Nu ar kas nors bandysit cia losti?
  7. MrLizingas

    Need people for cp

    What classes are you looking for? Or it doesn't matter?
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