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xLaSpI's Achievements

  1. xLaSpI

    autolearn skills?

    I guess that was with books, but those books can be bought via Avers most sure like a good donator
  2. Well just downloaded your system, ur updater is giving me problems, and i'm getting that error msg when I try to choose a server... Its because the system is wrong or smth ? Or there will be any special system for x55 ? Btw, I'm trying to log in ur x50 server
  3. xLaSpI

    autolearn skills?

    What about lvl 82-83 skills?
  4. xLaSpI

    Getting Avers killing bosses

    Raid Bosses drop Avers as well, if their level doesn't exceed 40 That means that all bosses between 20-40 drops that coins? And what's the quantity of Avers dropping for each boss ?
  5. xLaSpI

    About cancel

    Buffs are comming back after some mins or it's retail like? PD: Retail like plz retail :D
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