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О Razogoth

  • День рождения 07/20/1994

Razogoth's Achievements

  1. Razogoth

    too many crashes every 10-15 minutes

    Jok3 is right, I think the custom textures were a horrible mistake - there are more than enough cool accesories on High Five and nobody is interested in custom login screen etc. :( But well I guess there's nothing we can do about it now :)
  2. Razogoth

    LF english clan

    Mail me at "Rockclarity :-)
  3. Razogoth

    Updater got all screwed up :(

    Worked! Please accept my internet hug:
  4. So basically yesterdaynight I had absolutely no problem running the game. This morning I started the updater and: 1st - it finished checking files, but after I clicked 'start', it showed 'problem downloading files, check internet connection' (obviously my internet connections works) 2nd - checked again, then it showed some critical error and immediately went down without letting me read the crit error message 3rd - checked again, then it showed 'L2.bin stopped working' 4th - checked again, now it just opens the loading screen, does nothing for a while and then gets shut down with no message whatsoever. Any idea what to do with it? I'm pretty sure this problem is solved in russian, but unfortunately I'm not the 'master nation' here :( /edit: It's not in http://forum.averia.ws/threads/technical-support-complete-guide.46745/ It might be explained in russian topic, but I can't neither find or understand it.
  5. Razogoth

    Are Moonstone Shards needed for sub/nobl?

    FOR OTHER MISINFORMED ENGLISH PLAYERS: YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO SUBCLASS QUEST - YOU CAN BUY IT THROUGH ALT+B FOR 50kk. :) Pretty much whole this topic: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-x55-server-description.46636/ is wrong, most of these informations are old :( I think it's a little bit unfair to non-russian players to be misinformed so heavily :(
  6. I'm just asking because according to server description, we have to do transfer quests and songs/dances are 3 min. :D
  7. Razogoth

    5 years of Premium account!

    I think it's unnecesary to write this message in english since there's literally no possible way a non-russian person would outrun a russian in farming ^_^
  8. Razogoth

    Can't see x55 on the server selection list?

    Same problem here... Hopefully though, they'll add it on start :)
  9. Razogoth

    autolearn skills?

    And 81 is included as well or not? :)
  10. Razogoth

    Could someone do a tutorial for vote reward

    I think he meant the voting for ingame rewards, such as hopzone, topzone etc. :) I'm also looking for some info towards this question! :)
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