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О asdf3030

  • День рождения 01/07/1995


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  1. asdf3030

    important question

    I know it sounds stupid, but if we can't get those items ( well, we need just gun, because we got sets ) it would be nice so he wouldn't have them too.
  2. asdf3030

    important question

    Well it's simple. We went for freya, gathered 2 party's and we though everything will be online. But one guy has deleted some files from lineage 2 directory, so he can't see movie at end of each boss. He picked items and bsoed. Now selling these scammed items in town.
  3. asdf3030

    important question

    but can that scamming kid get at least item deleted or punished somehow ?
  4. asdf3030

    important question

    is it possible to get items from guys, who scammed drop in epics ?
  5. asdf3030

    Connection problem

    updater don't work, new system don't work(tested 6) turn off antivirus, firewall don't work. best server ever. every 15min crash + new unknown errors each time....
  6. asdf3030

    How to start without having technical issues.

    all patches are same bugged. getting crashes every 15 mins with new errors. gg averia.... gg....
  7. asdf3030

    LT players

    dalbajobynas cia nx. crashai kas 10 min, error tokie, kad net visagalis google nemoka ju paaiskint. bbd blt
  8. asdf3030

    too many crashes every 10-15 minutes

    same problem here. each day 2 new unknown errors and like 40 crashes for no reason. fix your system guys....
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