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О lawlzz

  • День рождения 07/13/1990


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  1. lawlzz

    How to start without having technical issues.

    Firstly, I've downloaded ENG system folder, then on top of that I did the full update through averia.ws updater, and I flushed my DNs + CCleaner.
  2. lawlzz


    Oh really then how come Swarm on retail (from l2aerith EU community) on Luna took 50% of the heroes from bigdick russian oly farmers from Tribunal?? But your point is valid, if somebody thinks he can just go solo into OLY and get himself a hero, it's time to wake up. If there's a solid competitive clan on this server they -WILL- make sure to squeeze and get every hero char possible.
  3. lawlzz


    yeah right should I provide more? Russian's just nolife, but when they come across a decent EU party shit's goin down easy
  4. lawlzz

    How to start without having technical issues.

    Thanks, my issue got solved by itself.
  5. lawlzz

    How to start without having technical issues.

    I cannot go past the character selection.
  6. lawlzz


    Mystic Muse looking for a solid group, send PM's. Further info about activity, etc will be provided upon your interest. who needs gear to fear 9v9 intense benchpress valhalas vs s84s
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