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О Rmilanez

  • День рождения 09/12/1991


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Rmilanez's Achievements

  1. Rmilanez

    How to start without having technical issues.

    What did you do? I have the same problem
  2. Rmilanez

    LF Clan/CP

    Hi I am an english speaker, I will start to play today and I am looking for International clan. I will have the next 5 days off so I will have a good time to farm and after that I will play 2-4 hours day maximum ( more during the weekend ). I play very well as WR/MS and can play as Mage as well... as support I have experience just as healers ( EE/SE ) I havent decided which char I gonna play yet, so I can play one that I like and the clan needs. I have 6+ years of experience in L2, at the moment I studying engineering then I am looking for a normal clan that doesn't ask for nolifers, "just playing to chill a bit" English/Portuguese/German
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