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О mynde3d

  • День рождения 12/16/1989


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  1. mynde3d

    Can't see general chat

    This is the best server :) good luck to everyone!
  2. mynde3d

    Can't see general chat

    thank you so much! it works!
  3. mynde3d

    Can't see general chat

    Hello everyone, maybe anyone could help me. I can't see general chat (white color) in game. My game settings are good, it's not my first years playing, i did Full check update several times, but still.
  4. mynde3d

    Ieskom zmoniu.

    smagu, prisijungsiu ir aš. į skype parašysiu, CP nedomina, nes laiką žaisti su darbu bus sunku suderint, bet klanas ar kompanija domina :)
  5. mynde3d

    Contest "I want foxes" and new pets on Averia.ws!

    Good, taking picture right now with my kitty :inlove: I'll try my luck :oops: [spoiler=Image]
  6. mynde3d

    language and vote

    I think there is no way to change party channel to english, but for shops it's easy, you just go to Auction manager, choose your item and it will show the price of item and who sells it :thumbsup:
  7. mynde3d

    Any European clan or CP?

    I'm looking for clan too, my friend also. Any clans out there?:rolleyes:
  8. mynde3d

    Contest "I want foxes" and new pets on Averia.ws!

    will be 5 winners from EN section, or RU + EN overall? :inlove:
  9. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    I will join :inlove:
  10. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    Im 45 lvl and i have 300kk, don't think money will be issue. But i would like to have english speaking clan or friends :-)
  11. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    Ok i will start there too. any usefull things i should know while starting?
  12. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    which server do you play ? :-)
  13. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    Where do you play Mamon? :-)
  14. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    how it can be dead if 4500+ online?
  15. mynde3d

    Still not late to start?

    Just say what you think :p x70 will be too much for me so I think i'll give x15 a chance :thumbsup:
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