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О sotiris

  • День рождения 10/06/1980


  • Gender
  • Occupation
    military technical mechanic

sotiris's Achievements

  1. sotiris

    Elven Saint lf cp/clan

    hey there,i am member from the international clan FTW.if want more info contact me online. krom.
  2. sotiris

    LF international Clan

    hey there m8, i am member of FTW a nice friendly and active international clan.if want more informations contact me online . krom
  3. sotiris

    Bishop 76 lf international clan/cp

    FTW is a international new clan who come from other server.speak to me in game Krom
  4. sotiris

    DeadLegacy clan lf active

    you invite also from other countrys?if yes im krom in game shilien knight,and i speak with cirdan many times about the game.
  5. sotiris

    VaeVictis™ Clan International

    hey there,in game im krom, shillien knight 55 atm.i want to join also :)
  6. sotiris

    lf greek clan or internationa clan

    hey there.im a new player also in the x15.i am from greece and lf a greek clan. but i can also work fine with a international english speak clan too. my in game name is krom and i am a shilien knight.
  7. sotiris

    Forum and game interfaces in English

    the in game map is with russia words. i follow any tip from forum and all work fine. but the map is still in russian. telle me how to fix it.
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