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О Peter

  • День рождения 12/19/1985


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Peter's Achievements

  1. Peter

    PR-event "Gracia Final for everyone"

    1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles? Balanced Chronicle where party is still alive! 2. What do you expect from the new server? Stable, good antibot, long life!! That last one would be amazing! And no donations for game progressions ;) 3. Why did you choose to join our project? Played previous projects and i really liked it.
  2. Peter

    GMs? Am i playing a russian server ?!?!

    Totally agree :). At least trade and shout imo :)
  3. Peter

    GMs? Am i playing a russian server ?!?!

    See. They can speak english :)
  4. Peter

    GMs? Am i playing a russian server ?!?!

    Well i hope the ingame chat will be "clean" and it will truly be an international server :)
  5. As the title says, i got the feeling im starting to play on a russian server. Thats because of all the russian language i see on the forum. Can we keep it english?
  6. Peter


    2 players here looking for some english activity too :). Bounty hunter and... probably some dd
  7. Peter

    Prophet wc/ Se / EE buffs

    Then they should really remove the donations for weapons shots and things like that. It will ruin the market for 'normal' players who do not donate. Some big clans won't show up because of this.
  8. Peter


    Amen! Totally agree with this! donation for exp...ok, but donation for items...
  9. Peter

    Social Quest #1 - Tell us about...

    Have been playing lineage2 for about 10 years now. Started on retail those days. Later on i started to play alot of private servers with friends. extreme, supreme, reloaded, dex, you name it. lilDonPaco I was playing l2e-global before. Had contact with the gm since i couldn't move back to the server and he told me the x7 server was opening :). I played a server with buffs, dances and songs. Server was full of mages. besides, the spoil rates were bugged...
  10. Peter

    Prophet wc/ Se / EE buffs

    Goodmorning GMs, One day i played some low rate server which had basic prophet / wc / se / ee buffs. I really enjoyed the idea because i didn't have to box one of these chars and this way i could focus on my main char and make a little faster progression. i also had the chance to box some other class, like bd summon sws. Might it be an idea to implement the same feature into this server? ( of course with the right balance) If no, can you explain the reason behind this to make this clear to me? See you all ingame :), Yours, Paco
  11. Peter

    How about some international rules?

    1. settings are on english as you can see on the main screen of CFG. (1.png) 2. The second screen stays russian and chat is russian too (2.png)
  12. Peter

    VaeVictis™ Clan International

    Cant wait to join you guys on Averia. Pm me ingame: DonPaco. Read my post on your forums :)
  13. Peter

    How about some international rules?

    This is only for the interface and NPC chat.
  14. Peter

    How about some international rules?

    It might be easier for both sides to find parties or a shop :)
  15. Hi there, the first thing i read when i joined the Averia website was: "The entire gaming community of Europe, South America, CIS and Russia will be on Averia, the best server!" So i was thinking this would be a great international server. Tho i only see russian ingame chat / shops / party window. Cant there be a rule to keep at least the party window, trade chat and shops in english? IMO that can be done by anyone since everyone know the basic l2 commands like WTS SSC or KAMA 46 LF CLERIC. Yours, Paco
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