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О BoomHeadShot

  • День рождения 06/22/1980


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BoomHeadShot's Achievements

  1. BoomHeadShot

    Dead Legacy Clan is recruiting

    We are still recruiting! Come check us out!
  2. BoomHeadShot

    Dead Legacy Clan is recruiting

    Want to see what this wonderful Alliance/Clan does during the week and weekend? Check the following videos out! We do tons of Raids, we hold a castle, have a clan hall, and we have a great time. Want to be a part of this? Let us know. We are here to have fun and play this great game! We have people on during EURO and NA times! If you speak English and have Teamspeak (No mic is required, but the understanding of English/Polish/German/SexyTalk in chat is desired <3 ), please come join us! FRINTEZZA RAID FREYA RAID WANNA FARM? TRY THIS AFTER THE DION SIEGE - WE WON : RELAX TIME Check the attachment!
  3. BoomHeadShot

    Medal Event information

    Depends on what you think a "great number" is. I have around 14k normal medals, and 40 glittering not used because of the misinformation :(
  4. BoomHeadShot

    Medal Event information

    Erm..... The cat is gone. Whats going on?
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