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О Kecas

  • День рождения 08/18/1988


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  • Профессия
    Spectral Dancer
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Kecas's Achievements

  1. Kecas

    Skill enchant

    Hey so skill enchanting/LS now takes x3 times more adena than by default. Because adena rate will be x7 you're lowering all prices in shops and alt+b , so dont forget to lower adena consumption on skill enchanting and on Life Stone removal from weapon / jewels.
  2. Kecas


    Seems like HELLBOUND is not at the max level . there are no chimeras in the zone where they supposed to be . so HB is not 11 level. hm ?
  3. Kecas


    Well maybe then u can tell me how to enter ? no TP from alt+b , both Warpgates not allowing me to do tp to hellbound. EDIT : need to do that short quest to enter.
  4. Kecas


    Hey, please open hellbound on beta server. I saw admin said itwill be at 11 level on live, but it would be nice to see it open now :(
  5. Kecas

    Spoil ...

    I dont understand what are you talking about lol . Since when spoil rate chances get lower with leveling up ?? some custom shit maybe here ? AND about x1 chance lol. Few days ago there was x5 CHANCE x15 REWARD on the server description. Now it is x1 chance x15 reward.. Proof <- go to beta server and look at current server description. Ok so if now rates are x1 - x15 reward, then why i still get only ONE (1) enchant when i spoil ???? + it is not x1 chance in game im sure. Whats up with in game .whoiam -> shows x34 SPOIL rate with PA .
  6. Kecas

    Spoil ...

    Hi, so i asked about spoil on x70 server some time ago and got an answer from "kitty" that when you spoil enchants you get 7-15 - because REWARD is x15. BUT after testing on beta there is a whole different story. So only materials seems to be spoiling how it should be. And other things like weapon parts - you get 1 . Armor parts 1-4~. AND most important enchants : you get only ONE. So yeah x5 chance and reward for enchants is x1 ... Why you just cant make chance x20-x25 and reward x1 like on all normal servers.. Now its some bullshit :confused:
  7. Kecas

    Hello, few questions

    Hello!. Im planning on playing here on x70 and i have few questions about server (no there are no information about that on forum). 1. Spoil rate is x5 = x15 . what it will be with PA ? if +60% , so x8~ =x ??? Only the chance rises or amount too ? 2. Spoil chance x5 and amount x15 , SO if I spoil EWC , will i get x15 EWC ?, because the amount is x15. the same with other materials.? 3. In server description it says if one has Premium, and there is other people in party , XP , SP ( and OTHER things like ADENA , DROP ?? ) gets equally to all party members. AND my question is : how about spoil rates ? do they get lower with each non-premium member in my party ?? 4. What are the enchant rates exactly ? You say like on "official" servers. I have never played there and i dont really know. It is like 66% to all weapons , armors , jewelry ? OR is it 66% to fighter weapons, 40% to magic weapons, and something like 66% on +4 , next 40%~ on +5 and 25% on +6 (ARMOR/JEWELRY) and so on ?? it gets lower and lower ? Will wait for an answer : )
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