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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Open Beta Test   
    Dear players
    Averia team invite you to Open Beta Test that will start on 5th of December (this friday!) at 19.00 (GMT+3)!
    You`ll have an opportunity to apreciate all special features of our new server x70 and to prepare to the start!(12th of December)
    OBT will last 5 days ;)
    We`re waiting for you
    How to create an account

  2. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Vitamin Pets   
    There are also three unsual vitamin pets on Averia-three SuperRoboCats

    Super Mew The Cat
    Super Kat the Cat
    Super Feline The Cat
  3. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Vitamin Pets   
    Vitamin Pets are created to help those who have no time or desire to deal with ordinary pets. Differences from ordinary pets:

    Vitamin Pets are bought for Avers

    Vitamin Pets do not consume experience of the owner.

    Vitamin Pets always have the same level as their master.

    Vitamin Pets do not eat.

    Vitamin Pets are enternal on Averia.ws

    Fox Shaman
    [spoiler=this pet is a battle mage]Skills:
    Awakening - Awakens pet's powers. Required for using Flare skill.
    Flare - Powerful attack. Can be used only when "Awakening" skill is active.
    Thunder Bolt - Powerful attack.
    Flash - Powerful attack near enemies.
    Lightning Wave - Powerful attack number of enemies.
    Wild Beast Fighter
    [spoiler=This pet is a powerful fighter]
    Awakening - Awakens the pet's powers. Needed to use Death Blow.
    Death Blow - Powerful attack. Can be used only when "Awakening" skill is active.
    Double Attack - Attacks the enemy twice.
    Spin Attack - Powerful attack can shock the enemy.
    Meteor Shower - Stones falling from the sky cause damage to the enemy
    White Weasel
    [spoiler=this pet is a supporter for fighter classes]Active Skills:
    Awakening - Awakens the pet's powers. Needed to use Death Blow.
    Death Blow - Powerful attack. Can be used only when "Awakening" skill is active.
    AI Skills:
    Buff Skills:
    Pet Blessed Body - Lv. 6 - Temporarily increases maximum HP.
    Pet Haste - Lv. 2 - Temporarily increases Atk. Spd.
    Pet Death Whisper - Lv. 2 - Temporarily increases Critical P. Atk.
    Pet Shield - Lv. 3 - Temporarily increases defense power.
    Pet Vampiric Rage - Lv. 4 - Provides the ability to temporarily recover HP by damaging the enemy with a certain probability.
    Pet Focus - Lv. 3 - Temporarily increases the probability of Critical P. Atk.
    Pet Wind Walk - Lv. 2 - Temporarily increases Speed.
    Heal Skills:
    Pet Greater Heal - Lv. 1-8 - Recovers HP and increases HP recovery bonus in an instant, used when master's HP is less than 70%, but more than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Pet Battle Heal - Lv. 1-12 - Quickly recovers HP, used when master's HP is less than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Fairy Princess
    [spoiler=This pet is a supporter for mage classes]Active Skills:
    Awakening - Awakens the pet's powers. Needed to use Flare.
    Flare - Powerful attack. Can be used only when "Awakening" skill is active.
    AI Skills:
    Buff Skills:
    Pet Blessed Soul - Lv. 6 - Increases maximum MP temporarily. Effect 6.
    Pet Acumen - Lv. 3 - Increases Casting Spd. temporarily. Effect 3.
    Pet Empower - Lv. 3 - Increases M. Atk. power temporarily. Effect 3.
    Pet Shield - Lv. 3 - Increases defense power temporarily.
    Pet Wind Walk - Lv. 2 - Increases Speed temporarily.
    Heal Skills:
    Pet Recharge - Lv. 1-8 - Recovers MP, used when master's MP is less than 60%, but more than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Pet Battle Heal - Lv. 1-12 - Quickly recovers HP, used when master's HP is less than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Toy Knight
    [spoiler=This pet is a powerful fighter and supporter for fighter classes]Active Skills:
    Penetrating Attack - Lv. 1-14 - A powerful stab pierces the target.
    Whirlwind - Lv. 1-14 - Caster spins rapidly, targeting nearby enemies.
    Lance Smash - Lv. 1-14 - Flings a lance and frontally attacks enemies.
    Battle Cry - Lv. 1-4 - Utters a battle cry that increases character's P. Atk., P. Def. and M. Def.
    AI Skills:
    Buff Skills:
    Pet Blessed Body - Lv. 6 - Increases maximum HP temporarily.
    Pet Haste - Lv. 2 - Temporarily increases Atk. Spd.
    Pet Death Whisper - Lv. 2 - Temporarily increases Critical P. Atk.
    Pet Shield - Lv. 3 - Increases defense power temporarily.
    Pet Vampiric Rage - Lv. 4 - Provides the ability to recover HP temporarily by damaging the enemy with a certain probability.
    Pet Focus - Lv. 3 - Temporarily increases the probability of Critical P. Atk.
    Pet Wind Walk - Lv. 2 - Increases Speed temporarily.
    Heal Skills:
    Pet Greater Heal - Lv. 1-8 - Instantly Recovers HP and increases HP recovery bonus, used when master's HP is less than 70%, but more than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Pet Battle Heal - Lv. 1-12 - Quickly recovers HP, used when master's HP is lthan ess 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Spirit Shaman
    [spoiler=This pet is a battle mage and supporter for mage classes]Active Skills:
    Thunder Bolt - Lv. 1-12 - Rains down the power of thunder upon the enemy.
    Flash - Lv. 1-12 - Swift magic attack upon the contacted enemies nearby.
    Lightning Wave - Lv. 1-12 - Rains down the power of thunder upon the surrounding enemies.
    AI Skills:
    Buff Skills:
    Pet Blessed Soul - Lv. 6 - Increases maximum MP temporarily. Effect 6.
    Pet Acumen - Lv. 3 - Increases Casting Spd. temporarily. Effect 3.
    Pet Empower - Lv. 3 - Increases M. Atk. power temporarily. Effect 3.
    Pet Shield - Lv. 3 - Increases defense power temporarily.
    Pet Wind Walk - Lv. 2 - Increases Speed temporarily.
    Heal Skills:
    Pet Recharge - Lv. 1-8 - Recovers MP, used when master's MP is less than 60%, but more than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Pet Battle Heal - Lv. 1-12 - Quickly recovers HP, used when master's HP is less than 30%. Only in battle mode.
    Turtle Acetic
    [spoiler=This pet is a battle mage and a supporter for mage classes]AI Skills:
    Power Smash - Lv. 1-14 - Powerfully strikes a target.
    Energy Burst - Lv. 1-14 - Fires energy gathered in character's body at the enemies to the front.
    Shockwave - Lv. 1-14 - Fires energy gathered in character's body at the enemies to the front.
    Howl - Lv. 1-4 - Amplifies character's abilities with a loud roar, raising P. Atk., P. Def., M. Atk., and M. Def.
    Buff Skills:
    Pet Blessed Body - Lv. 6 - Increases maximum HP temporarily. Effect 6.
    Pet Blessed Soul - Lv. 6 - Increases maximum MP temporarily. Effect 6.
    Weapon Maintenance - Lv. 1 - Maintains the weapon in optimal condition to increase P. Atk.
    Armor Maintenance - Lv. 1 - Maintains the armor to increase defense ability.
    Pet Shield - Lv. 3 - Increases defense power temporarily.
    Pet Wind Walk - Lv. 2 - Increases Speed temporarily.
    Our unique vitamin pets

  4. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в New vitamin pets   
  5. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Rules and regulations   
    Here is a list of simple rules. If you follow it your gaming experience will be joyful, exciting and vivid.
    We need you to be a man on our girls-made project. (Unless you are a girl as well)

    1. Do not tell anyone about Averia project.
    2. Project Administration is pretty whimsical and appoints guilty players by itself. Guilty ones must agree, hang own head and keep silent humbly.
    3. Project Administration doesn't appreciate flame, spam, rudeness etc. The most zealous rulebreakers will fall into a special list and will receive many different bonuses to both game and forum accounts.
    4. Project Administration is not oppose erotic, but within reasonable limits.
    5. Project Administration doesn't appreciate unqoutable nicknames or profile pictures. Breakers of this rule will get to the banishment to Siberia. Seriously.
    6. Project Administration strictly forbids disclosure of personal information and private messaging with forum leadership members.
    7. Hint: if you quote a post with violation you can probably join the author of bad post in his train to Siberia.
    8. We all (almost all) are adults here and we won't find out who was the first to offend. If you take part in an offensive behaviour you probably should take a rest from forums for a few days. So pretty please, with sugar on top, be nice.
    9. Project Administration also forbids any kind of cheating/tricking/fraud or swindle and will try hard to interrupt any type of it.
    10. Project Administration is a bit tired of typing forum rules and hopes you can guess about other bad things by yourself.
    Please remember: the nicer you are the happier is everyone around.
    Project Administration provides a free gaming platform which is supported by own time and money.
    It is totally free to you, therefore we do not accept any claims and complains, only suggestions and wishes.

    Averia.ws Administration

  6. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Rules and regulations   
    Forum rules

    Spam/Advertisements/Links to other l2 projects –eternal ban
    Foul / obscene language -4 points for 7 days
    Topic “Up” more often that once a 24 hours -1 point for 5 days
    Flood -4 points for 7 days
    Discussing about administration, their actions in negative way or dissemination of false information-eternal ban
    Contacts (as skype account etc) in Trade section –ban for 7 days
    Unreasonable complains- ban for one day
    Multicolored unreadable text -3 points for 7 days
    Trade, change from one server to another –ban for 7 days
    Incorrect section -2 points for 14 days
    Insulting and intolerance behavior -4 points for 7 days
    Posts in Russian in international section -2 point for 7 days (second time-4 points)

    When you accumulate 10 points, your account is banned for some time. When a term of one break rules is over, quantity of points decreases and a ban is over.
  7. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в FAQ   
    Frequently asked questions

    1.Basic questions

    2. Project features

    3.Cheating and illegal software

    4.Project specialities

    5.Averia forum
  8. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в I`m waiting for start!   
    Dear players,
    While you`re waiting for opening of our new server, we offer you to participate in our new event!
    Averia.ws administration is the most humane in the world! :D Only our team ask you to annoy a bit your pets and will give your prizes for that.

    Our task: you should make a photo with you and your pet+ there should be seen a sign "I`m waiting for start x70 Averia.ws!". This sign must be written manually, not added with graphic-editing programms.
    [spoiler=e.g.(the sign is in Russian but I think the main idea is understandable)]
    If you don`t have a pet, it`s not problem at all! A hand-made pet-toy is acceptable too ;)

    You can add your photo in this topic:
    (It should be hidden with spoiler)
    The reward is 500 Avers to your Master Account for 5 best works.
    Goodluck ;)
    You can discuss this contest here.
  9. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в How to create Game Account?   
    Dear players,
    At first, you should create your Master Account on Averia.ws
    After having created Master Account, you should create your playing account because only with it you can login in game.
    Please, read the rules before playing

    Wish you enjoyable game on Averia.ws^^

  10. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в How to vote on MMOTOP?   
    Dear players, you can help our project to draw more European players! Please, vote for us!
    More players-more fun^^
    1. L2topzone

    ( you`ll obtain a vitality potion for voting here)

    2. L2network

    3. Top100Arena

    4. topserver200

    Thank you a lot for your time

  11. Like
    xIcex изменил репутацию Kitty в Forum and game interfaces in English   
    Unfortunately, we can not remove that because of technical features of the forum. 85% of our players are Russian and Ukranian, so we should take it into account.
    I`m sorry for that:(
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