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s1ncop3's Achievements

  1. s1ncop3

    another important BUG...

    hello dear admins, today was a normal day untill when i was in a random mode exp party and somthing happend... i was in blacing swamp taking a tallum heavy armor from one friend... he drop it because he was lvling.. and when i pick it BUM it go to another guy from my party IN OREN.. then i try do that again.. every member of the party in a diferent point of the map (giran oren aden etc) and i drop a lot of threads... i pick them with the party in random and BUM... every one take some threads.. you can check it because is happend all the time.... thx for your time.. im waiting for your answer =D Sincope, ice lord, salut you
  2. s1ncop3

    Pet´s Problem (dead)

    Hello, this morning when i log my pet (with 250 food) it was at 3% of food.... when at the night it was 55% (offline char) can someone explain me how the pet lose all that % of food if it was unsummoned and offline? a bug or somthing is happening because that problem isnt just to me, anotehr guy from my cp just log on and have the same problem.. wolf with 2% GMs please, check that thx. Síncope bless you all :p
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