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О SnoWyz

  • День рождения 03/10/1988


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  1. SnoWyz

    HK skills, lf help

    Fix nuke reuse delay, never needed seraphim to spamm basic skills and never after GF a vortex had 9 seconds delay. Fix archers attack speed, rapid fire, rapid shot and counter rapid shot aren't working. Fix healing skills, huge aggro, fix blessing of noble range. Fix this geodata, it seems like a broken ground And more, learn better the game, retail means off, not l2j problems.
  2. SnoWyz

    HK skills, lf help

    They will say it's retail, that it's like that, don't lose your time.
  3. SnoWyz

    About Lag/Delay Cannot Play Like This..

    Don't lose your time talking about lags, blackscreens and etc, cuz they will say your pc is weak(with ppl in ssd, last generation of i7, best graphic cards etc).
  4. SnoWyz

    Error in updater

    Don't know, the screen is not mine and I don't even know cp clickers for years(playing retail).
  5. SnoWyz

    Error in updater

    Hello, some adm check this error and give me a help, some friends are having problem with it:
  6. SnoWyz

    About delay / lags

    Everytime the server closes proxies. Russian and french proxies are 70%(french always) off, and just have UA now.
  7. SnoWyz

    Some bugs!

    Oh well, I'll. And I'll ask video tests with the bugs I put, or IMO change tech support. Thank you for your support.
  8. SnoWyz

    Some bugs!

    Friend, I'm talkign about the nukes own delay, not about the buff, read my post right. 1 - I'm not talking about macro, if you don't know, those skills are spammable since GF, no need for ANY reuse buffs. 2 - Ok 3 - No they don't, I made tests, if you think they do, please make your own tests. And I'm not talking about numbers in the screen, I talk about the delay on the bow to shoot. 4 - My pc is not weak, my entire pt has good pc and they still have it sometimes. 5 - Ty 6 - Again, they shouldn't, not that often. 7 - What about panther?
  9. SnoWyz

    Some bugs!

    You mean here, right? Cuz in no server u should need it to spamm basic nuke.
  10. SnoWyz

    Some bugs!

    Sorry for posting here, couldn't find a proper place, all in russian :/. What I found atm: - Reuse delay of mages: too high. Since GF, you can spamm skills like hydro blast/hurricane/prominence without the need of the horse buff, same for vortex nd other debuffs, reuse delay too high. - Attack speed max is 1.6k atm, I know a GM said "we boosted warrior", but camon, if u wanna boost archer, remove foxed reuse delay on multipel shot and death shot, let reuse delay buffs work on em and: - Archer attack speed buffs are bugged. Same attack speed with or without rapid shot or/and rapid fire. Just skills like greater fury, haste from sub class and lvl 83 tanks skills are helping it. - Many times we can't just party recall or go to village cu get black screen. - It's not a bug, but please put back french proxy, or/and put one for americas. - Please check healing skills aggro, anything healer does, aggro more than any tanker. - A friend reported me that he can't hit npc or his panther inside oly. Thanks in advance.
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