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О Keppo

  • День рождения 02/22/1992


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  1. Keppo

    Damn son, where I ended up.

    Hello community of averia.ws . This is the international section so I must talk in english I guess. First of all I will tell you my honest "review" of how I felt joining this server. Lets get started. First of all I entered due to TOP 100 L2 private servers etc. etc. I saw x70 Servers with EU support so I was like "Hey, why not?" and I joined it. Then started all the troubles in the path. Installing averia client for me was annoying as it was getting installed. First I downloaded the Updater. When I did started it, it couldn't find L2 folder ( Which it was pasted in ). Awesome. So I downloaded the system directly, and started the l2.exe file. I registrated and all this stuff, so I could start playing. Wow, what was that? Big Black Square on the Login. What the heck is that? Nvm, I just follow. I did login, then I saw that all the x70 servers are RU or UA. Ok, what? There's no EU? Well, No problem because this server is in Russian location and its prioritzed to Russian people. Ok I understand it. I joined x70 RU proxy and then I created my character. But hey, before be able to play it was a security code. I writted it and beam. Suddenly crashed the game. Tried it 3 times until I get to the forums and after 3 minutes of research I did found that I needed to download another l2.ini. Jeez, I tought it was on the system folder already! I did get it and launched again the game. Finally I was in the game, but here came the worst. All was in Russian, every item, every translation, every guy was yelling "WTC" ( Want to sell I guess ). I can't just join it easily. Finally, I was trying to yell for help, but yell function is at 10 level ( I didn't remember that ), so I said in chat "damn someone can help me please?" and I was chat banned. BIG LOL. I guess that this is definetively a server which has no easy factor to join in. There are very much troubles to finally end in it (atleast in the EU part). This is just an honest opinion, of a regular new player wanting to join this good looking server. Thank you, but I can't join it and I think some people get back due to that too.
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