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  1. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от B0rland в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  2. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от umasik в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  3. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от Queerish в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  4. Like
    mandachumbo изменил репутацию Awe в Averia x10 on the 13th of March!   
    Meet the spring with warmth and our girl's care!
    March low-rate x10 server from Averia.ws!
    We guarantee high starting online, successful start without force majeure circumstances, europian audience and stable work of the project!

    Opening of the Averia.ws x10 project is the greatest start of this spring! This opening is going be so hot that all last remainders of snow on your streets will melt! The strongest clans with the best leaders will meet face-to-face for finding answer the eternal question: "Who is top?"
    ShadowsBad, BBB, ElfSpirit, RiseOfSun, League and this is only small part of clans which will go to the x10! It's not secret for anyone that we invest huge amounts of money in advertising campaign not only on russian but on international platforms, providing the best and greatest online for our players!
    Stability is our way!
    We have never had vipes and reopenings, our servers always start in allotted time because we do our best to prevent DDos attacks and other force majeures! It is not ordinary purchase of DDos protection, we use the unique technology developed by our technical support guru IOException! The players are proportionally categorized into cluster on the server side, making the system virtually immune to all DDos and other malicious attempts!
    A little about the concept:
    Absolutely everyone will enjoy spring x10! Simplified exping, which allows not to care about lost % during PvP, will create endless battles and fun in every location on any level. But getting resources, enchant scrolls, attributes, epic jewels and equip at all will be significantly complicated and closed to low-rate concept. Lack of buffer in Alt+B will make bards and supports current!
    And of course girls!
    We have never posed a goal to attract on Averia only female audience playing Lineage II but the large number of different costumes, pets, new faces and hair styles has interested a lot of charming girls who have made their choice and now play on our servers with great pleasure!
    No other project can boast of such female audience which makes the atmosphere of playing cuter and more attractive. Our project is very good opportunity to find the only and beloved!
    During the past years we have showed ourselves to be the greatest and the most successful 2013-2014 project!
    We proved that effective technical support, regular updates, hundreds of events and contests, stable work, active advertising campaign and big online even after the year of working are not only words for us but real contribution of our strength and energy to development of Averia project!
    Every day we instal new updates, fix detected bugs, improve the project to the ideal letting you to feel real quality!
    High online and stable work?
    Our great starts has shown that the servers are ready to withstand any load. Scores of proxy servers will be available during the start and throughout the work of the server!

    Download the client | Download updater | Download patch
    The server starts on 13 March 2015, 7:00 PM (UTC/GMT +3)

    The main project rates:
    Exp: x10
    SP: x10
    Adena: x8
    Drop: Chance x6; Amount x1
    Spoil: Chance x1; Amount x5
    Quest Reward: x2
    Quest Items: x3
    Epaulettes: x4
    RaidBoss: x3
    [spoiler=Macros lags] It's activated.
    [spoiler=Project commands]
    .talisman – unites talismans into more powerful ones
    .ncrelog – cleans cash for speed re-logging without leaving parties and instant zones
    .attribute - Instantaneous adding attribute
    .cfg – to activate/deactivate auto loot/ experience block/ traders deactivation/ no carrier/ costumes deactivation/ buffs animation radius
    .premium – to check premium account status of the group member
    .whoami - info about your character
    .offline – offline trading (free of charge)
    .clan – to delegate access to the clan’s vault
    [spoiler=Where to find the FAQ?]The main FAQ is here http://forum.averia.ws/threads/frequently-asked-questions.43766/
    [spoiler=Can I vote for the server before the start?]No, you can vote only after the start.
    [spoiler=What will not be available in the shop?]You can see it on OBT.
    [spoiler=Will buffs be available in Alt+B?]There will be standart set of buffers from NPC in every town - until 85 level inclusive.
    For the holders of the Premium Account it will be available in Alt+B too - until 85 level inclusive.
    [spoiler=Will OBT be available?]Yes, OBT start is scheduled for 6 March, 7:00 PM (UTC/GMT +3)
    [spoiler=If offline-trade available?]Yes, from 40 level onwards.
    [spoiler=Is it possible to buy avers before the start?]Yes, this option is mostly recommended, because during the start the payment system is most likely to be overloaded with many requests. 1$ = 50 Avers http://forum.averia.ws/threads/x7-general-information.45673/
    [spoiler=Is premium account available?]Yes. The prices are the following:
    1 day – 40 avers
    3 days – 100 avers
    7 days – 180 avers
    14 days – 300 avers
    30 days – 400 avers
    60 days – 700 avers
    Premium account is computed as the average of the group. If one member has PA and second does not have it, each of them receives +25% of experience (instead of 50% given by the premium account).
    [spoiler=Premium account bonuses]

    Exp +50%
    SP +50%
    Adena +30%
    Drop +40%
    Spoil +60%
    Carrying capacity increase +25%
    Drop epaulettes increase +40%
    Successful crafting chances increased on +12% (if a dwarf crafting an item for you has PA or you have PA the chances are 12% increased. If the both players have 12%, the chances remain 12%).
    Rare item craft chances increase on +30% (Standard – 3%, for PA owners – 4%)
    PA owners can open 3 more windows

    [spoiler=Are there any events on the server?]Standard: TvT/Fighting club/The Pirates of Averia/collection of bouqets on Averia/ farm – growing pumpkins/ medals collecting/ New Year Fests/ The Casket of Averia/Treasures in the undergrounds of Averia/Coffer of Shadow/ The Magic Tree/Averia Points.
    [spoiler=Is automatic learning of the skills available?]No, it isn't.
    [spoiler=When the first sieges are scheduled to take place?]21 March, 2015.
    [spoiler=When the first territorial wars are expected?]4 April, 2015.
    [spoiler=Is it possible to buy a profession?]
    1 profession costs 60 avers, 500 000 adens or a quest
    2 professions cost 120 avers, 2 000 000 adens or a quest
    3 professions cost 200 avers, 40 000 000 adens or quest
    [spoiler=Sub-class/noblesse ?]Sub-class can be achieved only by completing a quest.
    Noblesse -- 400 avers or quest.
    [spoiler=Olympics?]The Olympics starts simultaneously with the start of the server. The first heroes will be on 1 April!
    [spoiler=Bonuses to the clans, coming from other servers?]No such bonuses are given.
    [spoiler=What are the methods to purchase avers?]All information is available here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/donations.43342/
    [spoiler=How regularly the updates are released?]We release the updates every 1st and 15th day of a month.
    [spoiler=From what level is it possible to write to shout/trade?]From the 20th level onwards.
    [spoiler=How many slots are available for buff/dance/ songs?]24/12
    [spoiler=Are there any chances of crafting a rare item?]Yes, 3% chance and 4% for the owners of premium accounts
    [spoiler=What is the maximum level for a sub-class?]Maximum lvl for a sub-class is 80
    [spoiler=When the items auction will be launched?]1 April, 2015
    [spoiler=Is auto loot available?]Yes
    [spoiler=Are any vitamin pets available?]Yes, the price is between 350+ avers. They are everlasting, but can’t be transferred (even through the Vitamin manager).
    [spoiler=Is hell bound available from the start?]Yes
    [spoiler=What are the penalties for real money trading and banned software use?]
    All violators of the receive are immediately banned through HWID and all their accounts become immediately blocked. For those, who used a clicker for one character only and sincerely repented we can de-block an account for 400 avers. Adena is fully removed.
    [spoiler=What is the limit for windows?]5 windows. For PA owners it was increased to 8 windows.
    [spoiler=Any possibility to make money in the game?]Yep. Avers drop from all bosses ( up to 40 level)
    [spoiler=Re-spawn of the main RB] AQ – from 30 to 32 hours
    Core – from 50 to 52 hours
    Orfen – from 28 to 48 hours
    Death Lord Hallate – from 12 to 14 hours
    Longhorn Golkondan – from 12 to 14 hours
    Kernon – from 12 to 14 hours
    Shilens Messenger Cabrio – from 12 to 14 hours
    Flame of Splendor Barakiel – from 12 to 14 hours
    Antaras – Tuesday 19:00 GMT +3
    Valakas – Thursday 19:00 GMT +3
    Beleth – 11 days
    Baium – 5 days + 3 hours

    Features of the project:

    The largest and the cutest female audience!
    Free SMS protection of the Playing and Master accounts
    Profession change service
    Instantaneous adding attribute
    Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V options have been implemented
    Anti-scam option is now available
    New icons for talismans
    New amulet system
    New faces / haircuts were added
    New pets were added
    ‘Academia’ service
    Skills enchantment cost increased by 3 times (Adena/SP)
    Dance / Song duration is 3 minutes
    Period of Olympic -- 1 month
    Premium account works separately for each server
    Vitamin pets are everlasting
    Command .km-all-to-me has been deactivated
    Scroll enchantment chances are similar to the official
    Monster champions to 80 levels are now available
    Destruction RB no longer exist
    Antaras, Valakas, Baium and other epic heroes will be alive when the server starts!
    For any forms of fraud the accounts are blocked
    For repeated or serious violations of the forum rules, a playing account can be blocked
    Trading/bartering playing characters and accounts/master accounts is prohibited both online and offline
    Any barters between different games like “my items here for your items in dota 2” are prohibited
    Driver services offer is prohibited (searching for drivers is allowed)
    Buy/Sale of the castles or clans is prohibited
    Players assume all relevant risks while participating in events/contests/casino/roulettes created by the players.
    The Administration is not responsible for bringing back the lost items

  5. Like
    mandachumbo изменил репутацию Awe в Time for squashes on Averia.ws!   
    Read attentively, please :)
  6. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от Kitty в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  7. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от Cayleen в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  8. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от iKotuk в Where are you from?   
    Porto Alegre - Brasil (the only one state in our country where people don't like samba / carnival, we are rock and roll)

  9. Like
    mandachumbo получил репутацию от Kitty в How to join TvT event?   
    70x... maybe a level restriction, when I see the message on chat I was logged into a char level 44.
    Thanks for info ^^!
  10. Like
    mandachumbo изменил репутацию Betty в Tower of Naia - Raid Epidos / Beleth   
    To enter need 36 party members.
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